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Do you like to hear a little secret?

Most of my course sales came from video.

And do you know how they found my videos?

Trough email.

What’s the lesson here for you?

Build your email list, make more videos, build solid relationships and make more offers.

In the coming weeks, I will discuss email marketing, videos, micro-courses and making offers.

But today, we focus on video.

The first time I pointed a camera at myself, I froze.

The video looked like shit.

I was stuttering.

It took me months to be able to glue two sentences together.

After some practice, I got better.

I wished I had a guide like this to help me when I started.

Before I give you some tips about looking cool on video, let me dive into why you should create more videos.

Your potential clients can see how you are in real life.

People will read all your content in your voice.

You’ll build a relationship faster with videos.

They feel that they know you.

And that my chiller friends mean that they will buy your course.

And that is our first milestone towards becoming a true chiller.

Here are some tips you can use to become the next Youtube superstar.

Get ready…

Give more energy than you would in real life.

In my years as a cameraman, I learned this from the top presenters.

Put in more energy while recording, and your videos will pop.

Don’t be a stick on camera.

Use your hands and talk like you would with your friends on a tequila-drinking spree.

Bring the energy.

By now, you know that I love tequila.

Always tell stories.

People love stories. Lead with a story before you go to the teaching part of your video.

Be entertaining.

People are living a bored, zombie-like lifestyle.

The last thing they want is a creator sharing platitudes that he reads from a script while impersonating a broomstick.

Please stop that.

Instead, make it fun.

Look at funny videos and see what you can borrow to bring entertainment.

People need an entertainer.


The mirror is your best friend.

When you brush your teeth every morning, tell a story to yourself in the mirror.

Next step: record videos and upload them.

Pro tip: Do not look at the video before you post it.

Most of the time, your mind will tell you it’s not good enough. And you never post your video.

Another great tool to use is an AI app called Captions. Yes, the robots are here to help.

Make use of them.

This simple app creates subtitles for you in minutes.

Here’s a little example video.


Peace out

Virgil “ Make more money “ Brewster.