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People jumped out of their seats and ran.


I’ve never witnessed something like that in my life.

I looked over my shoulders, and I saw people throwing themselves at the salespeople.

Meanwhile, on stage, Russell Brunson was stating the outcomes of his course.

That day would go in history as “The 3 Million Dollar Sales talk”
on Grant Cardone’s 10X Growth Con in 2018.

In today’s letter, I share how you can do the same.

Let’s dive into the world of live webinars.

Let’s talk about tools

Yeah, I’m not a techie at all.

That’s why I always look for the easiest tools to use.

Your weapon of choice for your live training is Zoom.

1. You can host up to 300 people on a pro plan.
2. You can share all kinds of media.
3. You can send people into little groups.

In short, the sky is the limit.

Don’t worry. You’ll use only the basic functions:

* A screen share
* And the mic.

Now let’s get to the sexy part.

You have to put in the work

Have you ever watched a boring sales presentation?
You know, the one where your thoughts wander off.

The host rambles on and makes an offer at the end.

This is NOT what we’ll do.

We are going to do a live training session.

This is how I used to do it:

We gave a live training every Thursday at 19.00 CET sharp.

Each training was on average 3 hours.

In the first 50 sessions, we talked to 10 -15 people.
We did not sell much, but we kept going and improving.

After a while, we did $25k a night in sales. On top nights we did $50K.

But you know what.

I didn’t have this blueprint.

I was creating it.

What does that mean for you?

You follow the steps I’ve refined over 4 years of weekly webinars.
And over time, you’ll experience similar results if you take action.

The anatomy of Virgil’s $10M free training.

1. The 15 min warm-up.

When you start the training, you’ll warm up your audience.
You’ll bond with your future clients.

Turn on the music and show up with energy, even if one person is in the virtual room.

Ask questions like:

* Where are you from?
* How old are you?
* Are you an entrepreneur, or do you have a job?
* Are you ready to change your life?
* Share personal stories.
* Entertain. Let them jump.
* Talk about the offer at the end of the training?
* We start in 3 minutes. Are you ready?

Your aim is to ask questions where the audience only can say yes.

Think about:

* Do you love this energy?
* Are you ready to change your life?

The more yesses you collect the better chance you have of selling at the end of the training.
Let’s move on.

2. Share your personal story.

Before you start, ask this.


Give them the final hype before you dive into the training.
​After the question you say:

At the end of this free sales training I’ll will make you an offer.
My XYZ Course will speed up the process to reach your goal 21x faster.

Are you ok with that?

Here again, you collect as many YES as you can.
​After that, you start with your hero’s journey.

I’ll give you a simple formula you can use to build your own Heroes Journey:

 Problem + Frustration + The wall + Solution + Desired outcomes = Heroes journey.

Follow these steps to craft your heroes journey and share it in your free training.
​When you like to dive deep into this concept, read the book: Storybrand by Donald Miller.

It’s time to talk about the desires of your audience.

3. Deliver value through 3 secrets.

Now you need to pay attention.

The rule: Your secrets need to solve the desired outcome of your clients.

Some examples I used:

* How to run an E-commerce business in 20 min a day.
* How to make money while you sleep.
* How to quit your job in 6 months or less.

It takes testing.

You’ll mess up the first 20 times.


Once you have the secrets right, you’ll rake in the cash.
Talk directly to your audience’s pain points, and offer a solution.

Next stop. It’s time to sell.

4. Present your offer.

Don’t be an amateur and share features and expect people to buy.
You need to create the right buying environment.

Let me show you how.
​You start by sharing the benefits:

* You’ll build a course in 21 days so you can earn money on autopilot.
* You follow my steps, so that you have more time to spend with your family.
* Use these systems to scale faster so you can retire in 3 years.

Do you see the pattern here?

You will do X so that you will achieve Y.

Next, you ask the question:

Do you like to search the internet for solutions?
( Here, you create pain)


Do you like it the Lambo way?
(You ask if they like to buy a shortcut.)
​Again you collect yesses.

Next step, you’re going to add testimonials.

5. Share testimonials

Testimonials are stories of real people that will help you sell your course.

Note: Never fake testimonials.

Hustle and grind to get them from your clients.
When you’ve created your course by the book, you run a beta test.

There is your chance to get some testimonials.

A great tool I use to collect testimonials on autopilot is Senja. ( Yep, it’s an affiliate link)

It’s simple to use and makes the testimonial collection process super easy.
​Make sure to sprinkle testimonials throughout your training. Especially around the offer presentation.

It’s time to create insane value. Let’s go.

Want to see Senja in action?
Leave a testimonial for The BuildingBlock:)

Click the button below to share happiness.

6. Value stack bonuses

The power of a value stack is that you put a price tag on everything you offer.

It looks something like this:

* Course Creation Checklist Value $300
* 2 x a week office hours Value $997
* Templates Value $150
* Community Value $599
* 4 x coaching calls Value $1500

Total Value $3546

Now you can ask the following question:

If I would charge $3500, would you invest in yourself, if you reached (X Desired outcome audience)?

I sound like a broken record. But again you collect the yesses.

You want your audience to positively reinforce in their minds that your offer is the only solution.
​Now it’s time for the price reveal.

7. Mention the webinar discounted price.

Let’s reveal the price.

Keep it simple and straight to the point.

You explain what they receive from the value stack:

* Course Creation Checklist Value $300
* 2 x a week office hours Value $997
* Templates Value $150
* Community Value $599
* 4 x coaching calls Value $1500

Total Value $3546

And you say:

But I’m not going to charge you that. What do you think I’ll charge?
(The funny thing is that most of the time, they say exactly the price you mentioned.)

Today’s special price is $99.
​And you start the 15-minute timer.

Now you move to the next stage.
​Handling objections while the timer runs down.

8. Handle common objections.

You know exactly what your audience’s pain point is.
In this part, you must keep mentioning the pain points.

Here’s a list of the common objections:

* I don’t have the money.

Answer: When you don’t have the money, I understand that. The last thing I want is for you to rob a bank.

But when you have the money, you’re still in doubt. I have a money-back guarantee.

* I don’t have time.

Answer: My course is designed so you only need 20 minutes a day.

When you don’t have 20 minutes a day, You should ask yourself if you’re not better off at your job.

I have to think about it.

Answer: I understand completely. I used to think about everything in my life.
Before I realised it, I was 30 years further with the same shitty job.

Act today before it’s too late.

I have to talk to my spouse.

Answer: Let me ask you something. When you’re in the supermarket.

Do you call your spouse about if he/she wants red beans or green beans?

You are in charge of your future.

What great of a gift would freedom be?
Your spouse will love you to the moon and back.

Take action today.

It’s not the right time.

: It’s never the right time. So you better start now.

You creating the perfect buying environment but handling their objections before the arise.
​Keep sharing the desired outcome. Let them feel pain. Pour salt in their wounds.

At this point, you’ll don’t see many sales roll in. People always wait right before the timer runs out.
​Weird but true.

Keep talking and entertaining at this stage.

The Rule: When the sales start rolling in. Call the names out.

This will motivate people to jump in as well. FOMO is real.
​You’re almost ready for the final stage. This is the part where most of the sales will roll in.

Let’s see how you pull over people on the fence.

9. The price goes back to normal.

In the last five minutes, you start to excite people.
​You praise all the people who bought. Call them out in the chat.

You’ll get comments from action-takers like:

* I’ve done it. Let’s kick ass.
* Yeah, I’m in
* Let’s fucking go.

People are super excited.

Now ask this:

Yo, action takers. What would you say to people who are on the fence?

They will jump into the comments and share why they did it. And why others should too.
​We made 75% of the sales in the last 5 minutes..

When the timer is at zero, close the sales page, and it’s over.


1. The 15 min warm-up.
2. Share your personal story.
3. Deliver value through 3 secrets.
4. Present your offer.
5. Share testimonials.
6. Value stack bonuses.
7. Mention the webinar discounted price.
8. Handle common objections.
9. Close the sales page.

Is this the only way?

Many ways lead to Rome. This is just one way.

Free Training or better known as webinars, are very effective. I love to do them because they give me so much energy, and the results are amazing.

But this was not the only part of our sales funnel. We had a five-man sales team. We’ve sold directly through landing pages. We sold via email.

We had multiple roads that led to our course.
​My advice for you is to test what works for you.

Start small and build along the way.
​Remember, your course business is a marathon, not a sprint.

I say give free training a shot and see if the glove fits.
When you make them work, you’ll love them.

I promise.
