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I’m on fire…

“32 hours of video.”
“14 PDFs.”

“My audience?”
​“I don’t have one.”

This is the beginning of an entrepreneur who is about to fail.
​It’s sad to see so many entrepreneurs create courses that flop.

Even when you figure out how to create a proper course.

You still need an audience to sell it to.
​Look, when you have a spare 20K lying under your bed.

Go ahead and test some ads and buy your audience.
​But most of us are hardworking and broke.

That’s why it’s time to address the elephant in the room:

Building an audience.

It sucks to build an audience

I don’t need to explain the importance of building an audience.
​You know by now that your course needs a hungry crowd.

In past letters, I explained how you find a hungry crowd.
​In today’s world, attention is the new currency.

My friend Kieran just did a launch of 140K.

Yep, this is no typo.

Can you imagine what that amount of money would do to your life?

Kieran is a master of audience building. You can do the same.
​But before you jump up from excitement, let me tell you:

This will take time.

* You need to be patient.
* You need to be yourself.
* You need to trust the process.

I don’t like to blow my own horn.

But I grew from 1876 to 4129 followers in under 3 months.
​Is this a mind-blowing leap?


But it’s a foundation for future growth.

Here are my steps.


Do you notice I always start with a little story at the beginning of each letter?
​You see, you are not a content creator, you create mini-movies in people’s heads.

When you master the art of stories, you will attract people.
​Here’s my formula:

Big problem + frustration + big wall + A guide + AHA moment + Solution = storytelling.

You can use these words to create your story.
​Let’s see what else you need to be to become successful.

Be yourself

I know it’s tempting to copy others.
​But people buy into you.

Share your personality with the world.
​Are you an introvert? Show that.
​Are you a crazy fuck like me? Show that.

You must share your personality in true stories.

Storytelling + Personality = audience growth

Well, how do I do that, Virgil?

A simple exercise I learned years ago goes like this:

When you tell a story about how you’ve met your partner.
How would you tell it to your best friend?

That’s exactly how you write on Twitter.

Use all the words you would use. Don’t give a shit what others think.
​Some will love it, and some will not, but that’s fine.

You don’t need to serve everybody.
​Did you know you need 1000 fans to become financially free?

Let that sink in.

Valuable giveaways


“Those are shit. Who reads them anyway.”

You’re right.

Twitter is flooded with crappy gifts.
​You see them so much that you don’t even pay attention.

But when you are different, people will notice.
​Do your best to create valuable content that can be consumed in under 5 minutes.

Make it visually appealing.

Hire a Fiverr guy if you don’t know how.
​The point is when you produce something of value, people will pay attention.

The next step: Hype it up.
Send 4 to 5 tweets that you’re about the launch a giveaway soon.

Do weird stuff.
​You must take action.

Just freaking do it and fear the outcome afterwards.

Leave a reply

Imagine that I stand in line in a French bakery.
In front of you is this nice gentleman, and you start a conversation:

“Bonjour, How are you doing today?’

The guy looks at you and does not reply.


You give it one more try and ask:
What are you having, sir?”

Again the gentleman does not even looks up to you.
Feels bad, right?

Imagine your new potential client.
The one that takes the time to write a response to your amazing thread.

And you don’t even give them a second of your attention.
​Will they buy from you?

I’ll let you answer that question.
​The point here is:

Write cool comments.
Even better, send them a voice message about how much you appreciate their comment.

People will love you.


  1. Learn the art of storytelling.
  2. Show your personality.
  3. Create and launch valuable giveaways.
  4. Reply to comments.

Final thoughts

You see, building an audience takes time.


I promise you when you’re taking these simple steps, you‘ll grow.

Not super fast.

But steady.

And over time, you gain momentum.

Remember the snowball effect.

You push the tiny snowball up the hill.

You slide back.

Even to the point you want to give up.

Eventually, you reach the top.

And when your snowball starts rolling down, You will be the next Kieran Drew.

With 140K in your pocket in 4 days.

Keep going. Power to you.
