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When I was 14, I played with Transformers.

When I was 14, I played with Transformers.

My day was filled with homework and watching cartoon networks.
I guess times have changed.

Teenage creators are crushing it.
Some of them even have stuff to share that makes Uncle Virg think.

In honour of those young warriors, I dedicate Today’s letter to Claudia.

* 14 years old.
* 26K Twitter followers.
* And a work ethic that makes most adults cry.

Do you feel old and left behind?
Have a quick read. I promise it will blow your mind.

Claudia who?


Mariska screamed
That’s her standard operating procedure when Bumi barks.

You know Bumi likes to defend her Villa.
So when the water guy walks in, she feels the urge to show who is the boss.

A scene of a scared water guy is playing in the background.
I’m laughing while I scroll through my countless DM’s.

A reply to one of my messages caught my eye.
It was Claudia. A 14-year-old entrepreneur that I followed for a while.

When she followed me back, I had to compliment her on her cool Twitter profile.
A few hours later, she replied.

My first thought was:
Shouldn’t you create dance videos on Tik Tok?

You can roast me when you read this, Claudia.
But I decided to jump on a call with her.

I was intrigued.

Could a 14-year-old outperform hordes of crying adults?
Yeah, I’m talking to you.

The one who has been procrastinating for years.

Let’s find out.

The zoom call

We jumped on the call. And I was Impressed.

Claudia was asking solid questions about course creation.
I noticed a spark.

She was an embodiment of pure passion to change her life.

There was a young adult who knew exactly what she wanted.
She already had an impressive track record of a 26K audience and a 1400 sub newsletter.

With such an audience, you have fertile grounds to launch a course.

“I must ask my parents if I can get Twitter Blue.”
Tell them you’ll do a course launch,
 I replied.
“ Yeah, I’ll ask them,” she said

That short sentence exchange made me realise.
She is only 14.

We jumped into the details of course creation:

1. Your mind is lying. You have enough knowledge to help people.
2. The importance of course validation before you build.
3. Validate in your social circles first.
4. Interview 10 people to get more clarity about their problems.
5 Launch a beta version of your course and sell it. (sell before you make)

I didn’t expect much.

As a guide, You can lead the horse to a well…
Well, You know the rest of the saying.

Most people:

* Procrastinate.
* Let their mind stop them.
* Give up before they even start.
* End up bitter by saying others are lucky.

The next day.

A scene of a scared cleaner and barking Bumi played in the background.
And I received another DM from Claudia:

This kid has my respect. She kicks serious ass.

Sorry what did you say again?

The most underrated skill when it comes to courses is:

* Ask questions
* And listen.

That’s all Claudia did.

She knew the pain points of her audience.
Now it was a matter of asking if they experienced the problems that she could solve.

Most of you take months to take action.
Not Claudia. She did it all in a week.

She created an MVP (minimum valuable Product) And sold it as a beta test.

This was the result:

$400 with one email is mind-blowing.
The power of a Twitter audience and an email list is shown here.
And all of this was executed by a 14-year-old in less than a week.

Wait she didn’t stop there.

Right before I was about to publish this letter Bumi was barking again.
This time the victim was poor Ayu our PA.

“BUMIIIIIII.” Mariska yelled. Bumi drops on her back and gives her the puppy look like nothing happened.
​Ayu makes her escape.

Back to work I thought and I saw Claudia’s latest Tweet.

It all came full circle.

From a little idea in her head.
All the way to reaching out, and fearless execution.

Claudia’s course became a reality.
All done in under 3 weeks.

Textbook validation, creation and launch.


1. Read this letter when you feel like procrastination.
2. Always validate your course first before you build.
3. interview at least 10 people to identify if they have a problem you can solve
4. Create a simple version of your course.
5. Sell your MVP (Minimum Valuable Product) to a group of beta testers with a high discount.
6. Execute, execute and execute some more.

Why did I share Claudia’s story with you?

It’s time to wake up. It’s a bad dream you living in.
Your mind creates all kinds of fears that are not true.

The window of opportunity is wide open.
Today you start working on your course.

If you’re not willing to take action, unsubscribe today.
I’m dead serious.

My mission is to kick your butt in gear.
If a 14-year-old can do it, so can you.

Power to you.
