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It was December 2022.

It was time to give this Twitter thing a chance.
​Boy, I struggled.

In the first week, I lost more followers than I gained.
Do you know the feeling that you’re swimming against a current and drowning at the same time?

That was my first month on Twitter.

After 6 months:
* I grew from 1876 to 5453 followers.
* I build a newsletter with 1800+ subscribers.
* I generated $12K

In today’s letter, I’ll share how you can grow your email list with the power of Twitter.

Let’s get this show on the road. Meet The T.W.I.T.T.E.R Formula.


To build an audience, you need content. There are many ways to get ideas. This is one of my favourites.

Your mind is a storage of all your adventures. You need to plan time and go through it.

This is what you do:

  1. Plan time to think
  2. Change your environment.
  3. Take notes while ideas come to you.
  4. After your thinking session, write down 3 topics to write about.

Let your mind guide you to content ideas.


Written words are the most powerful marketing tool. You need to sharpen your copywriting skills.

The only way you can become better at writing is by writing. This is my writing protocol.

1 Read something before a writing session. This fills my mind with inspiration and ideas.

  1. Pick one topic for your thinking session.
  2. Write the subheadings to create a structure.
  3. Walk away and clear your mind.
  4. Move to the next topic of your thinking session.
    And repeat step 2.

Pro tip: Hans Zimmer in the background lifts your creativity. Thank you, Dakota, for the tip.

At this stage, you don’t write perfect content. You only create structures around your ideas.

Let’s move on.


I love this process because now you can be creative. You don’t need to think about where your story goes.

See it like a painting with outlines. Now you’re going to give details to your masterpiece.

This is my process.

  1. Put on Hans Zimmer’s Interstellar soundtrack.
  2. Start fleshing out all your subheadings.
  3. Read it out loud to see if it flows.
  4. Walk away and do nothing. 5 Get back to my work for the final edits.
  5. Let somebody proofread.

Now let’s win some hearts.


The only way you’ll keep your reader’s attention is through stories. Most entrepreneurs make the mistake of selling too soon.

You need to sell only when the buyer’s environment is right. And to get people to buy, you need to win their hearts first.

This is how you do that:

  1. Paint pictures in their heads with stories.
  2. Share your failures.
  3. Write as you speak.
  4. Lead with value.

Always close every message with a call to action. Train your audience to interact.


You have to understand the concept of platform risk.

When Elon or Zuck (with his new platform Threads) decide to block you.
Your business is over.

Let that sink in for a moment. You’re done.

That’s why you ALWAYS need a newsletter to sell your course. It’s time to transport your followers to your newsletter.

This is how you do that:

  1. Download Hivoe an auto DM tool.
  2. Write a compelling message. 3 Share a lead magnet in exchange for a newsletter sign-up.

You only need to write great content when this system is in place.

But there’s more.

What if you could ignite your growth with kryptonite…?


The power of your voice. People bond with you on a higher level when you talk to them.

Now I’m not saying jump on calls with ALL your followers. But use the power of Twitter voice notes.

This is how I do it.

  1. Send a short welcome message to serious followers.
  2. Keep the message under 30 seconds, and share the gift.
  3. When they respond, send a voice message back.

Engagement will be the most powerful driver for your newsletter growth. Throw this baby in the mix.

Let’s come full circle.


Now that you have created content reuse it in your newsletter.

I’m lazy by nature. I never like to do the work twice. This is how I find my banger content:

  1. Sign up for black magic.
  2. Every week, check the 10 best-performing posts.
  3. My metrics are profile views.

Your best-performing content takes people to your profile. and motivates them to click a link to your newsletter.

Profile clicks matter.

Final words

The T.W.I.T.T.E.R Funnel aims to transform people into raving fans.

Start with a simple conversation. Tell stories. Persuade them that your newsletter is a cool place to hang out.

Build a strong relationship with stories and education. And before you know it, they buy your course.

The T.W.I.T.T.E.R. Formula in a nutsell:

  • Think
  • Write
  • Iterate
  • Test
  • Trigger
  • Engage
  • Repurpose.

Don’t look for your audience. Build your own.
