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The Power Of Relationship Marketing.

​It’s past 1 am. I can barely keep my eyes open.

I’m tired but satisfied.
I just finished hosting a Twitter space with my friend Greg. It was insane.​

The power of your network is real. Can you imagine how your life will change with a thriving network?
I lay down, thinking about how it all started.

Twitter: December 2022.

I was a nobody. Determined to make it work, I started to connect with people on Twitter.

I implemented networking strategies I had learned over the years. 6 months later:

  • I am connected to Twitter’s hottest creators.
  • I found partners to work with.
  • Made money on Twitter.

And now it’s your turn. In today’s letter, I’ll share The Power Networking Protocol.

This will take you from a nobody to a connected course creator.
Follow this proven system, and you’ll soon join the ranks of Twitter superstars.

Let’s Jump in.

The Lone Wolf.

“I can do this.”

All great that you believe that you can conquer the world. And I praise you for believing that.

Most people don’t believe in themselves. They give up before they start.

But There’s one thing I like you to understand. It’s fundamental for your success.

You need to build relationships. Don’t be a lone wolf; join a pack.

To build relationships, you need to connect with people. When you’re not organised, building relationships can be hard.

Don’t worry, my young padawan; I’ve got your back.
Here are 4 steps to improve your explode your networking skills.

Get your lightsaber. We’re going on a quest.

The Dream 100​

Write down a list of 100 people you like to connect with. Don’t let your mind stop you by saying:

“This guy will never connect with me.” Just write them down.

You can mix people from different audience sizes. Keep going until you have 100 people.

This sounds simple.

But most people are unable to finish this first step. This is what you’ll do next:

  1. Stop reading this post
  2. Download my Notion Template
  3. Write down 100 people on the list.
  4. Move to the next step.

Let’s start interacting.

Comment, comments and more comments.

Set a timer and put on some music. This will be an important part of your day. Look at your dream 100 list and start with nr 1.

You don’t need to leave 100 comments a day. However, you would kick ass if you did.

Aim to leave 10 to 15 meaningful comments a day. You’ll grow your network fast this way.

The BIG mistake many people make is that they rush through this process. You have to leave a meaningful comment.

Imagine the creator spending hours making insightful content.
And all your comment is:

Nice post, bro. Keep up.

What do you think the creator will do? NOTHING.

Here’s an example of how I do it.

An easy way to leave a comment is by sharing your personal story. Or you are adding more value to the post.

Never. Repeat the same message as the tweet. That’s what lazy amateurs do.​

Be a nice

Simple right?

A lot of creators are arrogant pricks. Please don’t be.

Make an effort to reply to every comment and DM. Yeah, I know it’s a lot of work.

But who said that building a course business was easy? You need to put in the work, especially in the beginning.

When you’re bigger, you can let this part go. I promise.

Leave a short thank you for every comment. You will be amazed how many people appreciate a reply.

This is how I do it:

I could easily say nothing. But this little comment strengthens the relationship. Do this every day and watch your network grow.

And remember, your network = your….. Networth

4 Your voice matters

I hate to reply to DM’s. It’s so time-consuming.
Until Twitter released voice messages.

You can imagine my joy when this feature was rolled out. Now you can reply to hundreds of DM’s in 30 minutes flat.

This is how you do it:

  1. Go for a long walk.
  2. Share what you’re up to
  3. Rinse, repeat and have loads of fun.

My voice message goes something like this.

Thank you so much for your DM.
While I walk with my dog Bumi, I thought I send you a message. Bla. bla. bla

Make it entertaining. People will remember you.​

Final Thoughts.

Now it’s your turn. It takes time to develop your networking superpower.
But I promise you this:

Master this skill; you will always have a network to fall back on.
Before I say goodbye, I like to share a recording of a space I hosted with my buddy Greg.

topic: Networking on Twitter. Enjoy listening to the Twitter space, and we talk soon.​