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What’s wrong with me?


I live in Bali. I can do what I want.
I have the cutest dog Bumi.
I have a gorgeous girlfriend.

I help people grow by building and selling courses.
I don’t need to worry about money. And still, this tiny voice creeps up.


“Is this it?”


Haunted by these thoughts. I tried to numb my mind by going through old notebooks.
It’s weird. I know…

But you do crazy things when your mind is not in the right space.
I squeeze my eyes to try to decipher my writing. Why do I have such terrible handwriting?

Then for a moment, my heart skips a beat. All noises fade into the silence of my mind. My eyes fixed on one paragraph.

Did I write this?


The paragraph reads:


Dear future Virgil.

At this moment, I have nothing. Life is a struggle, and nothing seems to work.
But I want you to know this. I will give it my best to make something out of my life.

I will work hard. It’s a matter of time before life will smile upon me.
I want you to promise that you don’t let my hard work go to waste.
Cherish every moment. Share your knowledge and wealth with the world.

You came into this world with nothing. And with nothing, you shall leave.
Life will go in seasons. Sometimes it’s summer. But winter will always come.

Go through the seasons with grace. Always find a way to smile.

Now that I have nothing. I realise that I have everything.
You’ve got this.

Keep going.

Your past self.

There’s always a genius deep down inside.

Some call it a soul. Some call it an inner child.
This letter may feel weird to you. Trust me; it feels weird to me.

But sometimes, you get what they call infinite intelligence. You put your hands on your keyboard, and it flows.
This is such a moment…

If there is one thing I can share from this spontaneous outburst. It’s this:
There’s a way to create on demand. You can take action on a daily basis.

But you might wonder:


Nice story, but how can I make it work?


I will share how I tap into myself to take action every day. And how to deal with procrastination.
The biggest struggle for course creators is starting.

This system will help you to get started even when you don’t feel like it.
Let’s jump in:

1. One goal a day keeps the doctor away.

Keep things simple. Each day focus on one goal.
When finished, go and enjoy life.

This is my anti-procrastination system:

1. Plan 1 goal the evening before.
2. The next day, sit down and execute.
3. Write down your win of the day.
4. Stop working and do something you like.

Works like a charm against negative thoughts. And you always complete one task.
Imagine if you take action like this. Your life would look different a year from now.

2. Dealing with negative thoughts.

When negative thoughts pop up, don’t run and hide.
Many people try to escape through games, Netflix, and social media.

In the worst cases, people try sedating their thoughts with alcohol and drugs.

It’s now worthed. You escape reality for a brief moment. Only to return to it in the worst state.

Instead, do this:

1. Acknowledge the thought.
2. And say out loud:

Thank you for protecting me, beautiful mind. But ‘I’m ok.
Get out of your head by doing something you love.

Think about a walk. Or freediving:)

3. Celebrate all wins.
Even the little ones.

Make it a habit to celebrate your wins.
Write your wins in a diary. I call: The Little Book Of Wins.

For example:
* Today, I finished my newsletter.
* 30% opened my email yesterday.


Final words:


There’s no button on inspiration. But as a course creator, you can facilitate creativity.
Here’s a summary of the system that will help you take action on a consistent basis.

1. Plan one task the evening before and focus on that the next day.
2. Acknowledge your negative thoughts and do an activity you like.
3 Celebrate all wins. Even the little ones.

I believe in you. All you need to do is believe in yourself.

Power to you.