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“What shall we eat tonight?”

In Bali, that’s a recurring question. It’s cheaper to go out for dinner than to cook a meal.

For our friends and family, that sounds completely retarded. My mum Nelly, a small but fierce South American lady, always says:

“ Boy, do you think you better always go out for dinner than the rest?

I didn’t raise you like that”.

Trying to explain to my mom that it’s cheaper to eat out is like going to war with a kitchen knife.

When you live on an island, you must import everything that doesn’t grow locally.

It’s not that toilet paper grows on trees.

Thinking of it. That would be a funny sight and an Instagramable tourist magnet for all you wannabee influencers.

But that’s a topic for tequila-slamming nights with friends.

We decided to go to our local Italian restaurant, Gusto. Bumi loves the idea and runs miles ahead of us in the dark.

“BUMIIIII” is Mariska’s standard reaction. We know that she comes back when she wants.

That’s why we love this crazy dog so much. But still, we have a near heart attack when she does stupid things like that.

Bumi is the most adventurous character in the animal kingdom. She never thinks about what can go wrong.

She throws herself off stairs, mountains, and in front of scooters. Bumi simply does not give a shit.

That is something you should do more often. We humans overthink, debate and make excuses.

Here’s The B.U.M.I. framework I use to throw myself like her down the stairs.


You must be bold if you want to achieve greatness in life and your business.
Just fucking do it.

Do you want to know how I do it?

1. Go to youtube.
2. Search for motivational videos.
3. Listen to it on a headset.
4 When done listening, do that fucking thing.

Be bold.


Bumi is a simple terrier who grew up on the beach begging for food.

She found Mariska and decided, Hello, gorgeous blond long-legged lady, you are my new boss.

For a moment, she unleashed her courage. It changed her life.
Now, it’s time to change yours.


Find a mentor. This person will awaken the giant within. This is, by the way, a great book written by Tony Robbins.

Find your mentor and unleash the raw power that is inside of you.


You can maximise so many things. Please be more clear. I hear my third-grade teacher raising her voice during history class.

Which I hated. But anyway…

I’ll be clear.

Maximise joy. The more fun you have in life. The bolder you become, the more you can unleash.

Having fun is a growth hack for success. Maximise having fun to grow your course business.

That’s what worked for me. And I know it will work for you.


So many of you hate what they do. I don’t get it. When you don’t like something, you just quit, right?

I know that’s easy for me to say. But still think about it. When you hate what you’re about to do today, find a way to change it.

One way to break free from the prison of society is by igniting your passion.
Make it a habit only to do what you love.

Surround yourself with game changers like inside this tiny community. Fire the crybabies.

They complain for the sake of complaining. It will bring you nowhere.

Over time, your passion will guide you in the direction you need to go.
Never sacrifice passion for the status quo.

Here you have it. The B.U.M.I Framework.

One way to throw yourself down the stairs and get away with it.

Do you like to throw yourself in front of the lions?

Talk to you tomorrow.

Virgil,” Owner of Bumi the crazy dog without fear.” Brewster