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Game Changers,

Another day in paradise. And boy, what a week it was. I’ve been stung by a scorpion.
I battled with insecurities and talked on a ton of spaces.

You see, I’m only human, just like you. My mom (Nelly) always says.:

You go to the toilet like any other person. Don’t be cocky. Treat a rock, a diamond or a piece of dirt the same. Share your wealth and knowledge, and possibilities will be endless.

Maybe her choice of words is’nt always flattering. But she is a wise woman. And I love her to death.

When you stay true to yourself, it’s possible to make great things happen. The road to success is not about how you handle the ups.

It’s all about handling the downs.

You’ll rise above the crops when you bounce back from your mistakes, insecurities and doubts.

You are a game changer.

This week’s Game Changer Friday letter is all about the validation process. Many people fail to do this right.

This document will be part of a mini-course I will release later this month. Here’s a sneak peek.

The Validation Process

Many of you make the mistake of creating a course you 
think people need.
In the $10M Course Creation method, we do this instead:

  1. Find a hot market.
  2. Ask what they want.
  3. Give it to them.

Now stop reading and let this sink in for a moment.

From now on, you always ask your audience what they want. And then you build it.

Hot markets.

The best markets to sell courses are:

* Health
* Wealth
* Relationships

These 3 markets are good for billions of dollars in course sales. ​

When your course falls into one of these 3 categories:
You’re going to do well. 
After your validation process.

Now, let’s take some action.

This is what you need to do next:
One of the questions you answered to find your ideal avatar was:

Which social media does your avatar use?

If you skipped the avatar research, I highly recommend you return and do the exercise.)

1. Post a message on your avatar’s favourite social media channel.

Send out a message saying:

I’m giving away 20 FREE 15-minute consultations to the first 20 comments.

I will help you with X. [X is the common problem in your market.]

And no, I won’t be selling you anything.

2. Invite former clients on a call.

Send a message saying something like this:

I was overlooking the Indian Ocean, and I thought of you.

I have a question. I’m working on a new problem to solve (X)
And I would like to ask you some questions about it.

In return, I’ll give you a free 30-minute consultation.
Looking forward to hearing from you.


3. Go through your most recent emails.

Send the same message as in point two to those who fit your avatar profile.

The more creative you get with planning these calls, the better.
You only need 15 of them.

What do you ask?

The structure of the call is very simple. You don’t want to waste any of your avatar’s time. So this is how you do it:

Small talk.

How is the weather on your end? Etc.

Set the stage
The reason why I asked you on this call is that I’m working on something exciting. I’m releasing a course that helps people like yourself to solve (X). Is it ok if I ask you some questions at the end of our call?

Lead with value
Give them 3 tips to solve the problem around (X.)
Answer some questions and go to the final step:
Your questions.

Your questions
What is your biggest struggle regarding (X)?
Have you ever tried to find a solution?
Would you be interested if I offered my course that solves (X)?
How much would you pay for such a course?

Prep the sale
Thank you so much for your time. That was so helpful.

Because you helped me so much, I’d love to invite you to be a VIP member of my
Super executive extra special inner circle 🙂

Would you like to be on the waiting list?

Send them a link to your email waiting list and close the call.

The Mini Survey

Now, it’s time to gather data on a massive scale.
Create a survey with the FREE Google Forms tool.

Ask a few more questions:

* What is your monthly income?
What is your biggest struggle regarding (X)?
* Have you ever tried to find a solution?

What is your employment status?
* Would you like to buy my course that solves (X)?
* How much would you pay for such a course?
* Because you helped me so much, I’d love to invite you to be a super executive VIP member of my * extra special inner circle. 🙂

Send the survey out to your newsletter.
Share it on social media.

Your goal is to gather as much data as you can.

Your action steps:
1. Get people on a quick call.
3. Ask the questions mentioned above.
2. Run a survey with the same questions as the interviews.