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“Can you go and clean your room?” my mom said.

“Do I have to…?” I replied.

The second the last word rolled out of my mouth, I thought, Fuck… What have I done?

You see…

When you grow up in a South American family, there’s one thing you learn fast:

Never disobey your mom.

Before I knew it, I saw my mom flying through the air. And the next thing I remember was the sharp pain on the side of my leg.

It all happens in nanoseconds.

I got slapped to bits with something we call a “Slipper”. It’s a Dutch word for flip-flop.

After that ass-whooping, my mom said: Why are you so lazy, boy? “Now, don’t let me ask you again. Go and clean your room.”

With iron shoes, I dragged myself to do it. Only to save myself from another slap from that dreaded “slipper.”

Did my mom slap the laziness out of me?

Unfortunately not.

Years later, I discovered a positive side effect of being lazy. In this world, there are two kinds of entrepreneurs.

The lazy reactive creator.

This person is too lazy to take action and sits and waits. Constantly running and solving shit because of inaction.

Blaming others for their own mistakes.

The lazy, proactive creator.

This person understands exactly what he dislikes. Instead of waiting, he delegates and systemizes every inch of his business.

He travels, makes money on autopilot and lives in freedom.

There’s nothing wrong with being lazy. The people who tell you otherwise are drowning themselves.

Laziness will help you focus on what you love and delegate what you hate or simply can’t do.

Play to your strengths. Some call it stick to your zone of genius.

Laziness made me financially free.

In the last couple of months, laziness took me to another level.

Instead of building funnels, planning and hosting sales calls or writing landing pages, I’ve been experimenting with selling through email.

The results are amazing, not only for myself but also for my clients. Me and my buddy Eddy Quan are working on something cool. We call it:

The Google Drive Cash Machine.

It’s simple, effective, and a God’s gift to lazy people.