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Alex Hormoi shocked the creator world.

He gave his 4-hour-long suite of courses away for free.

While half of money X scrambles to give away everything for free.

I have a question for you.

Did you finish Alex Hormzi’s course?

Probably not.

There are two reasons why you didn’t take action.

  1. The course was free, so it’s not on your priority list.
  2. You’re not going to go through 4 hours of material.

So, what can you learn from this?

You can’t make money by giving everything away for free without a backend.

But that’s a topic for another letter.

When you’re not going to finish Hormozi’s course.

How can you expect your clients to finish your 4 hours video course?

The answer to your suffering business is Micro courses.

Let’s look closer at the anatomy of a micro course.


Your micro course should be a maximum of 45 minutes. This has a lot of advantages for you and your clients.

Because of the length, you’re forced to put in your best content in an easy, consumable way.

You become a master of constraints. That will help you to simplify your life and business.

Your clients will get a quick win in the fastest possible time. Trust me, they will love you for it.

You’ll give them knowledge and time. In my opinion, it is the most valuable asset every person can have.

Low price.

When people don’t know you, selling them your $997 course will be hard.

And yes, you may be the next Steve Jobs, ready to revolutionise the world, but they don’t know you yet.

What if you can bring people into your world for a low price.?

Think about a mini course for $25. Everybody would pay that for a quick solution to their pain.

Quick wins.

You have to get your new client a quick win. Here are some examples:

  • Stop smoking with this simple exercise.
  • Improve your golf swing with this foot position.
  • Increase your revenue by 50% by implementing a mini course.


Have you ever watched a movie that was so boring that you turned it off before the end?

The story was great. The lighting was perfect, and the soundtrack won an Oscar.

But still, when the movie is boring AF, nobody will watch it.

The same goes for your course.

Make it entertaining.

That, combined with quick wins and a short course, will shoot you into the hall of fame of Money X.

Once you’re convinced of Micro courses, it’s time to validate your ideas and build one.