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I don’t know what my course should be about.

That’s a question I get daily.

Today, I like to share something with you that might sound strange.

And that’s what you know what your course should be about.

One day, I was at a business retreat.

We did an exercise that was called speed ideation.

You set a timer and had to come up with an idea for your next product.

I remember it well. My mind was empty.

In frustration, I got up and walked out of the room.

My mentor walked up to me and said:

You fight it too much.

“WTF are you on about” You going to drop some hippy mambo jambo shit on me in the moment of madness.”

I didn’t say that out loud, of course.

“Here’s a simple exercise to get your ideas onto paper. He said.”

“One rule is you should NOT fight yourself.

Set a 5-minute timer.
Think about the last 10 people you’ve helped.
Write all the problems you’ve solved.
Go outside and chill.
Yes, you read it right.

You see… When you’re chillin’, the ideas from this exercise will form in your head.

You should always create from Inspiration instead of separation.

I challenge you to do this exercise when you’re stuck.

Tomorrow, we’ll meet again.

Virgil” Micro courses are cool “ Brewster.