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The Evergreen Selling machine.

Most entrepreneurs suffer from income dips.

Some months, you are on top of the hill. And other months, you’re barely getting by.

I have experienced this curse for years.

I had a successful personal training business in Ibiza.

In the summer season, tourist from all over the world come to Ibiza for two things:

  1. To get lost in the party capital of the world.
  2. Work on their body and mind.

If you’ve never been to Ibiza.

I suggest you book a ticket and experience life. I promise you’ll have some stories to share.

In summer, clients dropped in my lap.

After 9 sessions a day, I was tired, but I could royally chill.

Piles of cash were floating in.

But then the winter came.

Tourist went home to their rat race prison. Everything I made in summer dissolved during the winter.

This experience was everything but a chilled lifestyle.

So, I know what you’re going through right now.

What you need is an Evergreen selling machine.

A machine that sells your courses on autopilot while you sip a coconut in Bali.

This wonderful machine is designed for 3 reasons:

  1. Enjoyment
  2. Profit.
  3. Chillin.

The Evergreen Selling Machine has 3 flywheels. In today’s letter, I will explain the first one.

The Growth Flywheel.

This flywheel has the sole purpose of growing your email list.

Let’s have a closer look.

Create Content »> Get Followers »> Turn followers into email subs »> Make them a chilled offer. »> Use the money to get more subs.

Let’s break it down.

Content Creation.

Tell stories and share your personality.

Create different content. Share your adventures.

Even if you share how you chill, people will resonate with that.

Important is that you don’t copy people.

Entertain instead of educate, and people will follow you.

Get Followers.

The aim of your content is that people will follow you.

Be real. And follow the tips I explained about content creation, and you’ll fly.

Turn followers into email subs.


Use the welcome message feature and create a chill welcome message. Please don’t sell here.

Be yourself. Here’s my message.

Feel free to steal and remodel. Why reinvent the wheel when I have tested it for you?

Chill right?

Offer a lead magnet or a cool video.

When they click the link to get your gift by signing up for your newsletter.

Make them an offer.

Once they are on your email list, offer a simple $10 – $25 offer.

Make sure that they get a quick win from your micro offer.

Another reason to make people an offer is that you create a buying environment.

You don’t want to email your list with free essays on BLA BLA BORING shit.

Guess what happens when you offer something to a list that gets EVERYTHING for free.

They will be upset and chase you through the village with pitchforks.

Make offers to pay for your ads and create a buying environment at the same time.

A nice by-product is that you get rid of all the crybabies, freebie seekers and tyre kickers.

Those people will never buy anyway.

So, purge your list by making offers.

Use the money to get more email subs.

Now it’s time to unleash chill power.

Advertise your lead magnet in other newsletters.

You can get ad placement for $50 bucks.

Make sure that you find compatible audiences.

Now, when this flywheel is starting to spin, this will happen.

You create great content.

People rave about your epic writing skills. And they follow you.

After receiving your welcome message, people will respond and sign up for your newsletter.

Some will buy your tiny micro offer.

Let me manage your expectations here.

This will not be your main income driver.

At best, you’ll break even, and maybe sometimes you’ll be at a loss.

But that’s fine.

Flywheel number two will take care of that. But more on that tomorrow.

Now, you buy ad placements in other newsletters with your shiny new dollars.

The harder this flywheel spins, the more subs you’ll get.

Your head will be spinning right now.

It’s time to close your laptop and chill.

With gratitude for your attention, I say peace out.

Virgil” I love to chill hard and make money” Brewster.