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“You don’t have a business. You have a charity.”

Wow, that hit my ego hard.

At first, I was offended.

How dare you say something like that when you barely know me.

“I can tell you’re upset by my words,” My mentor said.

Before I took a breath of air to respond, He said:

Don’t bother. Let me describe how I look at your charity.

Inside, I was fuming with rage.

A charity, you say, you pretentious bastard. My anger went to unknown levels.

The words he was about to share would shift how I looked at business forever.

My mentor’s rant :

First, you build this website. You have no audience, and you’re busy with nothing.

You spent ages creating ebooks, courses and content.

And I have to admit. Some of your content is epic.

But you want to know the sad part?

Nobody gets to see it.

You never make an offer.

You decide for your audience that they do not deserve to move ahead in life.

That’s not just rude but incredibly selfish.

Who are you to keep others from moving forward because you’re afraid to sell?

Let me tell you this…

It will never be the right time. So you better start selling now.

I was stunned…



And inspired at the same time.

My mentor’s words lit a fire under my ass.

You can argue if this is the right method to coach people. But in my case, it worked.

After that day, I started to make offers.

As promised in today’s letter, I’ll discuss the second part of The Evergreen Selling Machine.

Yesterday, we spoke about The Growth Flywheel.

The Evergreen Selling Machine.

Let’s dive into the second part of the ESM: The Profit flywheel.

It’s time to transform your charity into a business.

By now, your email list is growing. You’re making tiny offers to earn back your ad spent.

It’s time to roll people over from the Growth Flywheel to the Profit Flywheel.

It’s very simple. All you need to do is make offers.

Before I show you the formula, you must understand this about offers.

You don’t always need to ask for money.

In the last couple of days, you have seen me making an offer to join a waiting list for this epic project I’ll launch with Eddy Quan.

And at some point, I’ll ask you to buy.

The more offers you make, the more profit you’ll make.

Now, let’s look at my OFFER Formula for your daily emails.

  1. Start with a powerful hook.
  2. Lead with a story.
  3. Share a big wall (Pain point of your audience)
  4. Share a lesson.
  5. Always end with a CTA ( Call To Action). AKA an offer.

So how does this all relate to The Profit flywheel?

When people enter your world, you must make paid offers at least 3 times a week.

Some people are not ready to buy.

Some haven’t read your email.

You must present your offers many times to allow people to take action.

It takes people at least 7 touch points before they even consider buying.

Let’s recap.

  • Send daily emails.
  • Always make an offer at the end.
  • Make at least 3 offers per week.
  • Watch your profit grow.
  • Chill on the beach with a coconut