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The blind leading the cripple.

That’s a saying we use in Holland for people who are copying the mistakes of others.

In the glory days of cohorts, everybody who read a Hormozi book could package that knowledge and resell it in a cohort.

You could get away with anything.

But today.

Kids are scrambling to relive the good old cohort days to make a quick buck to become king of growth on X, only to fail miserably because the market is more solution-aware.

In short, they know how much shit is out there. And they’re looking for quality.

So, how do you navigate a blood-red ocean of cohort-launching wannabees?

The answer to that is:

The Evergreen Selling Machine.

Sell your mini-courses, workshops, and 1:1 coaching offers through email.

These are 7 steps you need to build your EMS and escape the cohort mayhem:

  1. Tell stories.
  2. Build your email list.
  3. Send daily emails.
  4. Build relationships.
  5. Form partnerships
  6. Create great content.
  7. Always make an offer.
  8. Make time to go outside and chill.

Over time, you’ll notice that you don’t need to beg for souls on the X timeline.

All you need to do is post chill stuff and talk shit on spaces. Bring awareness to your products and services by showing your lifestyle.

And the Evergreen Selling Machine will do the rest.

Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow.

Virgil “ Build your email list “ Brewster.