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Can I read your palm?


Can I read your palm, the lady asked again.

I have a weak spot for salespeople who have a great follow-up sequence. Even when you’re a tarot card reader, you have my respect for showing persistence.

For that reason alone, I thought, alright, I’ll give you a chance, lady.

I sat down, and she said: “pick a card.”

Of course, I picked the most horrible card of a skeleton guy with a black robe and a colourful bird on his shoulder.

Besides the parrot, I thought she would tell me I would die in the next 5 minutes.

But her explanation surprised me.

There was no death and destruction…

But something way more valuable that would turn me into a 7 figure business owner 7 years later.

I’ll spare you all the mystic storytelling because she went on an epic saga that even J.K Rowlings could learn from.

But it all boiled down to this:

You can’t do it alone.

You need people to help.
You need people to lean on.
You need people for support.
You need people who lift you.
You need people to teach you.
You need people who believe in you.
You need people who share your posts.
You need people as accountability partners.
You need people who love you for who you are.

At the end of the day. What you need is a band of brothers.

These are your action steps:

  1. Find an accountability partner.
  2. Have daily conversations.
  3. Have live meet-ups.
  4. Have fun.
  5. Go outside and chill.

For now, Talk to you tomorrow.

Virgil “ Brotherhood of Chillers “ Brewster