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The moment Elon Musk took over Twitter, I had to be part of it.

I admit I have always been a fanboy of AI robot mr Elon.

Some claim he’s not even human. I leave that up for debate.

You can love or hate the man. But one thing you can’t deny:

Everything the man touches turns into gold.

Yesterday I started reading Elon’s autobiography.

You like to know the sad truth?

When Elon Musk became a millionaire he wasn’t even happy.

Now that he’s one of the richest people in the world, I doubt if he’s truly happy.

As much a I admire Mr Musk, he has everything but a chilled life.

Now do you need to have big ambitions like Elon Musk?

Yes you should…

But in my humble opinion you shouldn’t sacrifice happines and enjoyment for your cause.

Think about it. What does all your wealth mean if you have nobody to share it with.

That’s why you need the 
E.L.O.N. formula:


You need to enjoy and chill to be able to create the lifestyle that you desire.

The best ideas are bron when you’re chillin.


You need to packecage your knowledge and outsource the operational and tactical side of your business.

When you work ON the business instead of IN it true chillin will enter your life.


You need to organise these 5 pillars:

* Lead generation
* Lead Nurture
* Conversions
* Delivery
* Cross-sells / Upsells.


Say NO more often.

Defend you chilled lifestyle with everything you’ve got.

We talk tomorrow.

Virgil” Exciting times ahead ” Brewster.