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Building a business is hard but rewarding when you succeed.

This is one of the lamest platitude openings I’ve ever written.

When Ben Settle finds out, he single-handedly will remove me and ban me for life from his email list.

But there is so much truth in this opening.


It was summer 2013.

I just made the move to Ibiza with my girlfriend at the time.

She walked into the room and said:

If we do not make something happen, our Ibiza adventure is over.

Something broke inside of me.

How can I be the man who provides, and I can not even make this business work?

I was about to give up…

But there was a part of me that stood up…

Through all the chatter, I heard this voice of hope.

Yeah, I know.

It may sound like I have a multiple personality disorder.

But I believe that we’re made up of different parts.

Most of the time, your weaker parts like to give up on the first obstacle.

Sometimes you feel this inner voice that guides you to get the fuck up.

Get moving instead of crying.

Today, I will be that part to get you moving.

Here are 10 lessons I’ve learned from earning Russell Brunson 2 Comma Club X award.


Always be selling.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but nothing will happen unless you offer.

Always make an offer.

Start slow, but keep going.

Yeah I know it sounds cool to build your course and sell it for $997.

Start small.

Build a micro-course and slowly increase the price as your offer gets better.


Validate, Validate more and validate again.

When you make a lot of offers, you’ll quickly find out what works and what doesn’t.

Don’t copy others. What works for them might not work for you.


Power of people.

You are the product of the 5 people around you.

I’m going to be blunt with you. When crybabies surround you, expect crybaby results.

Surround yourself with top performers and get top-performer results.

Fury the losers in your life and find those A players.


Community rules.

When you launch a course, you don’t build a community in any way, shape or form.

You’ll lose.

People don’t want knowledge. They can find that for free on the internet.

People like to be heard. A sense of belonging. Part of something bigger than themselves.

Give your clients a community, and they will follow you to the world’s end.


Build solid products.

When you build a good product or service, you hardly need any marketing.

Let that one sink in for a moment.

How do you build a great product?

Talk to your audience and give them what they want. It’s not rocket science but common sense.


Take time to chill.

Rest is progress. Nothing will happen if you force yourself to work tirelessly to solve the problem.

Instead, take a step back.

Allow yourself to get a 30.000 ft. view and observe.

The best ideas are coming to you when you chill.


You never get it right the first time.

Don’t quit after one failure.

Use your fuck up as a stepping stone to do better.

If you can, you’ll be ahead of 98% of the crybabies who quit before they even start.


Leverage beats the hustle.

Be smart with your time, money and energy.

Hire a VA to do all the dirty work. Focus on the strategic part of your business and outsource the tactical part.

Do you need a big team?

Absolutely not.

With two multi-disciplined people who are purpose-driven, you can outwork a team of 14 money-hungry clock-watching rushing out of the door at 5 pm crybabies.


Your mind matters.

You’re the captain of your ship.

When the captain is weak, you’ll never reach your end destination.

Pay attention to thoughts, negative people and complainers. They will not serve you well.


  • Meditate
  • Talk with positive people
  • Make time to enjoy and chill.

That’s the number one secret to success.

Now it’s time to get to work.

When you don’t know where to start, this is what you do next:

Hire a mentor.

Invest in yourself, and your world will change.