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“Get the fuck out of my face.”

Is Gordon Ramsey’s favourite quote.

You love him or hate him. One thing is the fact he gets shit done.

The first thing he does during a restaurant makeover is cutting the menu.

He simplifies.

Now, the big question remains.

Is a 3-hour workday a myth?

Before answering that question, let’s look at what the horde is doing.

You know, the mindless sheep that follow each other’s stupid ideas.

Like sending cold DM’s and spending hours on social media in the hope of finding success.

Don’t get me wrong. Hard work is needed, especially in the beginning.

But your end goal should be to work smart, not hard.

For years I only worked in the morning.

3 hours has always been my sweet spot.

I’ve managed to build a $10M company by using leverage.

Two key words emerge when we talk about 3-hour work days:

Leverage and simplicity.

Now let’s go into the nitty gritty of how a 3-hour workday can work for you.

First, it’s all about mindset.

Have you ever heard of Mr Parkinson?

In 1955, not that long ago, he came up with Parkinson’s law:

“Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”

In chiller terms:

When you give a task an amount of time, it often will take that time.

Now, back to our 3-hour-a-day concept.

When you give yourself 3 hours.

Great things like this will happen:

  1. You’re forced to simplify.
  2. You’re forced to plan one thing a day.
  3. You learn that leverage is a high priority to make things work.

Over time, you’ll notice that you generate the same income within a fraction of the time.

This is the 3-hour day’s formula:

Leverage + simplicity + compelling offers = freedom.

And that, my dear chiller friends, is what we call a Life enjoyer business.