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When you buy a house, you have security for the future.

It must be the old way of thinking. The only escape from our shitty lives is the illusion of owning a house.

But do you own it?

I never got the concept…

Yes, you can debate your house is going up in value, and you could sell it.

But in Robert Kyosaki’s words:

When you own a house to live in, it’s a liability.

And yet the herd is buying houses and making them fancy, hoping they will increase in value.

And on the side, they struggle in their 9-5, and the kids are wondering who the guy is who cuts the meat on Sundays.

We chillers operate differently.

I love the real estate concept only when it makes me money.

And you know what I love even better.

Digital real estate.

Courses, paid communities, workshops, and masterminds cost you a little upfront.

Only time…

But the returns can be exponential. Especially when you make offers on a massive scale.

And would you like to know another beautiful thing?

When you use leverage and systems, you can run your little digital real estate empire in half of the time you work now.

That means more freedom to chill.