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The curious case of a wannabe course creator

Steal and distribute.

These were the first words by Dan Kennedy I read about marketing.

In a nutshell…

Take what works, repackage it and sell it to a hungry crowd.

But today, we take stealing to a whole new level.

People don’t even bother to repackage their offers anymore.

It’s like we’re living in a zombified society where people refuse or maybe can’t think for themselves.

So, how do you stand out?

Before you scramble to open your notion document, copy what I’m about to say.

Hold your horses, cowboy.

I can sum it up in 2 words.

Be yourself.

That’s it…

Let me burst your bubble a little bit more.

Your concept isn’t new.

In fact…

Your teachings will be widely available on the net.

Knowing that now, are you ready for another overlooked fact by many of your wannabe creator friends?

People by people, NOT products or services.