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How to do more by doing less.

“Why do you make simple things complex”?

I talk a lot, but now I was lost for words.

I was attending a deadlift seminar.

Dan John a famous strength and conditioning coach, grilled me during dinner.

“You want to improve your deadlift,” he said.

“Cut all the fluff.”

“ When you like to get better at something.

Do more of that something.”

Guess what will happen?

You’ll become better.

Before you get lost in this strange explanation, let talk about your business.

Do you know the feeling that you get nothing done?

That’s because you have way to many fluff task on your to-do list.

There’s this little simple trick, it’s called tracking your time.

This is how it works:

* Write down every daily task.
* Track the time for each task.
* Get rid of all the fluff tasks (You’ll know which one to cut)​

Now before you get medieval on my ass. (Don’t you just love classic movies? pulp fiction is my old time favourite.)

And say I heard this all before. I get that.

but the funny thing is that most people never take action.

Even when they known what to do.

Now that’s out of the way, let move on.

It all boils down to planning.

Try to plan one task a day and after 365 days your life will change.