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Why 98% of course creators fail


I opened my phone to read my WhatsApp app message:

” Yo “, My business partner wrote:

“We’ve received a fucking Click Funnels 2 comma Club X award”

“What,” I said.

We just crossed $10M in sales. It’s insane.

You can imagine, this was one of the best days of my life.

It took a long road of failures to come to this point.

Unfortunately, not many entrepreneurs succeed.

You read books, buy courses and watch hours of Youtube.

You take a ton of notes but fail to take action.

Fear and overwhelm take over your mind.

Before you know it you’ll give up.

But aren’t you ready for a change? 

Don’t worry, I will not bombard you with platitudes like:

All success is built upon a mountain of failures.

Instead, I would like to share one of the key things you can do to find success.

Find an accountability partner.

My partners were part of my business.

But you can partner with anybody who has similar goals.

The idea is to motivate each other to improve your business.

But more important is to be held accountable for your actions.

Especially that last part will be fun.

More on that later.

Now that you’ve found your accountability partner.

You start with Daily meetings.

There’s an art to run meetings.

The last thing you want is a 45-minute meeting where 90% of the topics are last night’s party sprees and football matches.

Don’t bore people to death with a 45-minute meeting.

Instead, do this:

Plan a daily 5-minute meeting. Ask three questions:

  1. What have you done yesterday?
  2. What are you going to do today?
  3. Do you need help?

We had daily meetings Monday to Sunday, and in 4 years, we did $10M in sales.

Now, get it done and move to the next step.

We had crazy shit going on when we didn’t make our goals.

Here are some of the penalties we used: (Warning: some of them are not suitable for viewers under 18)

  • When you missed a meeting, you had to pay $500.
  • When you miss your week’s target, you need to pull your pants down in the middle of the streets.
  • You’re dragged to the paintball range when you miss your monthly goal. You can guess what happened next.

So here you have it.

When you combine accountability + having fun + working with great people, you’re going to make it.

Hang out with the right people, and your business will skyrocket.