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I watched Netflix all day and I made a ton of money!

 An average person watches 10 hours of Netflix per week.

Netflix changed the way we watch tv. Series on demand was unthinkable ten years ago.
Today, you sit back, relax and scroll through hundreds of titles.

Streaming on demand is about to become even bigger in the coming years.

And if you like it or not, you will be part of it.

The dark side of Netflix Binge watching The practice of watching multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession, typically using digital streaming.

There you are on the couch, your eyes glued to the tv.

You know it’s past bedtime, but you want to watch one more episode. Netflix is dominating your life.

Imagine what your life would look like 5 years from now.
That business idea, remember the one that would set you free.


Never bothered.
The love of your life doesn’t even know you anymore.
Your life is passing by. Your partner filed for a divorce.

There you are with your remote on the couch, lonely and broke.


But There’s hope!


There’s a good thing about watching a lot of Netflix.
Besides getting entertainment and inspiration, you develop a binge-watching muscle.

Could you use this superpower to make money?

100% yes.

What if you spent 30 hours a week on self-development instead of Netflix?
Trust me; you will make more money.

Let’s start making you an extra $1,000 a month.
Burn your Netflix account to the ground.

Now you realise that you spend too much time in front of your tv, it is time for a change.
You will not like what you’re about to do next.

Get your tissues ready, and let’s move on.

Cancel your Netflix subscription!



Yes, you heard it right; cancel it. Erase your credit card data.
We all know paying with a new card on Netflix is a hideous task.

When you’re hardcore, you can take it a step further, remove your tv.
When you get over the hurt, let’s look at what you can do with all that extra time.

​High Income Skills



High-income needs a high-income skill Over the years.
I’ve binged courses, books, YouTube videos, and podcasts.

I have made more progress in one year than in all my years in college combined.

It’s your turn to do the same. To progress, we need to upgrade your bag of tricks.

So what are high-income skills?
Plain and simple, it’s a skill that will directly influence your bottom line.


You cried when you wanted something as a kid, and your mother came to your rescue.
You sell all the time without realizing it.

When you know the steps of a good sales process, you can start implementing them in your business.
The direct results will be more clients, which equals more money.


It might sound daunting, but when you learn to art of persuasion, you will convert prospects into buyers.
Prepare to dive into a deep rabbit hole because there are many types of marketing to get leads.

The good thing is that you have plenty of time now to binge through it.


Writing is one of the most underestimated high-income skills.
In my honest opinion, the most rewarding.

You will find the written word everywhere. Words are something beautiful.

Have you ever heard of context switching?



Context switching starts one task, and before you finish, you switch to another.
The result is that you never finish either of them.

A study showed that people only spend 6 minutes on a task before switching to another.
In one hour, they switch tasks 13 times.

Let’s make sure that you will become successful in your self-improvement journey.

This is how you do it:

  • Choose one high-income skill.
  • Block fixed times in your schedule to learn this skill.
  • Turn off all distractions. (noise cancelling headphones are lifesavers)
  • Start Binging. Take a little break every 15 min.
  • Rinse and repeat.

The power of a feedback loop

We are going to install a new habit in your hard drive.
The feedback loop. It’s a simple but powerful concept.

It will take only 3 minutes of your time. Sounds good, right?
This is how it works.

Ask yourself three questions.

  • What must I start doing?
  • What must I stop doing?
  • What must I continue doing?

Write the answers down. Adjust course when needed.
And you will awaken the superhero within. Make sure to read your notes once a month.

You will learn so much about your progress.

Final thoughts


My wish is that these words motivate you to improve yourself.
It’s never the right time to change, so you better start now.

Your first challenge is to quit watching Netflix.
Use this time to build a high-income skill.

It will not be easy, and sometimes you will feel like giving up.
That’s how it is. You will experience highs and lows.

Successful entrepreneurs are the ones that handle the lows with grace and patience.
You got this.

The fact that you are this far in the article shows you are ready for change.
It will be a journey of a lifetime.

Power to you, and now get to work!