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Me: “Let’s aim for 25k in sales this month”
My business partner: ” Weak fuck, let’s go for 100K” ​

​ “Pling!” ​

I opened my phone to read my whats app message: ​ ​

” Yo “, My business partner wrote: ​ “We’ve received a fucking Click Funnels 2 Comma Club X award” ​​ ​
“What,” I said.

“We just crossed $10M in sales. It’s insane!”

​I won’t bore you with platitudes like “all success is built upon a mountain of failures.
​ Instead, I want to share one of the key components that led to my success: Accountability partners. ​

The secret power of partnerships​ ​


By having accountability partners, you can motivate others to improve your business and be held accountable for your actions. ​ Especially that last part will be fun. But more on that later.

Unfortunately, not many entrepreneurs succeed.
They read books, buy courses, and watch hours of YouTube, but they don’t take action. ​

If it’s up to me, you will NOT be one of them. ​

Step 1: Find an Accountability Partner


​ The first step is to find an accountability partner. They don’t need to be part of your business; they need to have similar goals. ​

* Find entrepreneurs with a common goal. ​
* Think about launching a course.
* Network and connect with people. ​

Where do you find your accountability partner? ​

Connect with people on Twitter, LinkedIn, or even in Facebook groups.
Talk to people, and jump on calls. ​

You must take the time for this process. ​
When you’ve found the right person, you’ll be working for a long time with each other. ​
When you’ve found your ideal partner,move to step 2? ​

Step 2: Daily Stand-Ups

Once you have found an accountability partner, it’s time to start daily stand-ups.
Keep it short and sweet. Plan a five-minute meeting, skip the small talk
Ask three questions:

  1. What have you done yesterday?
  2. What are you going to do today?
  3. Do you need help?

In just a few minutes, you’ll be on your way to taking fearless action and making progress.

Step 3: No Pain, No Gain


​Now, here’s where the fun part starts.
Set up some punishments for when you or your partner doesn’t meet your daily, weekly, or monthly goals.

When you get to know me, you’ll find out I can be crazy.
And so were my business partners.

We came up with the coolest rewards and the weirdest punishments. ​
For example: ​

* if you miss a meeting, you have to pay $500. ​
* If you miss your weekly target, you must pull your pants down in the street. ​
* If you miss your monthly goal, you get dragged to the paintball range. ​

You can guess what happened next. ​

On the flip side, make sure to have rewards when you DO make your goal.
Think about: ​

* A trip with your team.
* Some craze activities.
* Even rake in cash from your partner’s missed meetings. ​
You don’t need to go crazy as we did, but be creative and have fun with it. ​

Now go find your rewards and penalties. ​


​ So there you have it: ​

* find an accountability partner.
* have daily stand-ups.
* Set up some rewards and fun penalties. ​

Stick to it, and you’ll see your life and business transform.

Trust me; it’s worth it!  
Peace out


Me: “Let’s aim for 25k in sales this month”
My business partner: ” Weak fuck, let’s go for 100K” ​

​ “Pling!” ​

I opened my phone to read my whats app message: ​ ​

” Yo “, My business partner wrote: ​ “We’ve received a fucking Click Funnels 2 Comma Club X award” ​​ ​
“What,” I said.

“We just crossed $10M in sales. It’s insane!”

​I won’t bore you with platitudes like “all success is built upon a mountain of failures.
​ Instead, I want to share one of the key components that led to my success: Accountability partners. ​

The secret power of partnerships​ ​


By having accountability partners, you can motivate others to improve your business and be held accountable for your actions. ​ Especially that last part will be fun. But more on that later.

Unfortunately, not many entrepreneurs succeed.
They read books, buy courses, and watch hours of YouTube, but they don’t take action. ​

If it’s up to me, you will NOT be one of them. ​

Step 1: Find an Accountability Partner


​ The first step is to find an accountability partner. They don’t need to be part of your business; they need to have similar goals. ​

* Find entrepreneurs with a common goal. ​
* Think about launching a course.
* Network and connect with people. ​

Where do you find your accountability partner? ​

Connect with people on Twitter, LinkedIn, or even in Facebook groups.
Talk to people, and jump on calls. ​

You must take the time for this process. ​
When you’ve found the right person, you’ll be working for a long time with each other. ​
When you’ve found your ideal partner,move to step 2? ​

Step 2: Daily Stand-Ups

Once you have found an accountability partner, it’s time to start daily stand-ups.
Keep it short and sweet. Plan a five-minute meeting, skip the small talk
Ask three questions:

  1. What have you done yesterday?
  2. What are you going to do today?
  3. Do you need help?

In just a few minutes, you’ll be on your way to taking fearless action and making progress.

Step 3: No Pain, No Gain


​Now, here’s where the fun part starts.
Set up some punishments for when you or your partner doesn’t meet your daily, weekly, or monthly goals.

When you get to know me, you’ll find out I can be crazy.
And so were my business partners.

We came up with the coolest rewards and the weirdest punishments. ​
For example: ​

* if you miss a meeting, you have to pay $500. ​
* If you miss your weekly target, you must pull your pants down in the street. ​
* If you miss your monthly goal, you get dragged to the paintball range. ​

You can guess what happened next. ​

On the flip side, make sure to have rewards when you DO make your goal.
Think about: ​

* A trip with your team.
* Some craze activities.
* Even rake in cash from your partner’s missed meetings. ​
You don’t need to go crazy as we did, but be creative and have fun with it. ​

Now go find your rewards and penalties. ​


​ So there you have it: ​

* find an accountability partner.
* have daily stand-ups.
* Set up some rewards and fun penalties. ​

Stick to it, and you’ll see your life and business transform.

Trust me; it’s worth it!  
Peace out
