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37% of sales came from our affiliate partners.

It’s a very powerful strategy.


“Drink hot water with honey”, Mariska sneers.

“Yeah, later”

Here I’m feeling like shit.

I never thought that the flue could reach tropical islands.

But here I am writing to you.

Today’s newsletter will be about your course Launch.

In previous editions, we talked a lot about course creation.

When you missed that article, I invite you to have a quick read-up here.

Let’s jump in.


The Open close launch

Do you know the feeling that you want to buy that fancy jacket? You walk past the store every day, but still, you never buy it.

You think Tomorrow.

Then one day, you’re hit with an unpleasant surprise.

“ NOOOOOOOOO, My jacket is gone.”

You rush into the store. “So sorry we sold the last one yesterday”, the sales rep replies.

You’ve missed out.

This feeling is better known as FOMO (short for Fear Of Missing Out)

And FOMO, my friends, is what we’ll use in our launch.

This is how you plan your open-close launch:

  1. Plan a launch date
  2. Set a close date.

I have tested launches from 3 days up to 14 days. And our best converting open-close launch was 5 days.

I suggest you start with that.

We need to prepare some essential parts first.

Affiliate partners

37% of sales came from our affiliate partners. It’s a very powerful strategy.

You need an army to conquer the course battlefield.

Your soldiers are affiliate partners.

How does it work:

1 Find people with similar audiences.
2. Propose that they promote your course in return for a percentage of the sales.

We used to give 50% commission.

Think about it like this:

Affiliate sales you would never have made on your own.
It’s an extra source of income. It’s one of the best investments in profit growth.

And the beauty is you pay after they buy.
A win win win.

Your aim for your first launch is to find 5 big affiliate partners.

This is how you’re going to find them:

Reach out to your network.

I like to get in your thick skull that networking is the soul of your business growth.

In the next newsletter, I’ll share my Ultimate Networking System.

For now, I’m going to give you my message template, you can use to find your affiliates:

Dear Harry,

Virgil here from the always sunny island of the gods. I hope you’re doing fine. I have a question:)

Do you like to make money with two clicks?

You see, I’ve created a course that fits your audience.

It’s about X.

I’m about to launch the course, and all you have to do is this:

  1. Paste my copy and payment link into your newsletter.
  2. The second click is on your affiliate dashboard to see how much money you’ve made.

I know it sounds wild.

But we live in times where crazy things can happen overnight.

Here is a link to my entire course.

I invite you to have a look.

I love to work out the details if you feel it’s the right fit.

If not, you have a great course for free.

I’m looking forward to your thought,


Feel free to adjust the template to your personality, and you’re good to go, next up, your landing page.

Your landing page

The landing page is the gateway for your client to your course.

First, let’s start with what software to use.

My preference is

A simple drag-and-drop landing page builder that connects easily with payment providers like Stripe.

You can make it as complex or as simple as you want.

Some sales pages have a 4000-word copy. Some have a simple video with a buy now button.

You must test which landing page converts the best for you. So spend a lot of time testing and tweaking during launches.

Here are some great landing page examples from creators you probably know:

Your actions step:

  1. Get Carrd
  2. Create a landing page.
  3. Connect your payment provider to carrd
  4. Publish your landing page.

This is what you’ve done so far:

  1. Choose a launch date.
  2. Picked a closing date.
  3. You found 5 affiliate partners with my template.
  4. You’ve created a landing page.

Now celebrate, next step is to make people buy.

The perfect Buying environment​

One day I thought Fuck it, ill buy a Porsche.

I went to a car dealer, and there she was.

A gorgeous metallic black 911 Carrea S stands outside the dealer’s parking lot.

The salesman said:” Come back tomorrow; we’ll talk about it”, and he walked away.


I’m here to buy a car, dude. But I came back the next day.

I walked into the showroom. And there she was.

In a cleared-out space in the middle.

The salesman dimmed the lights and turned on 3 spots on the car.

He took two chairs, and he said:

Let’s talk.

In the end, I never bought the car. But I almost did.

Create a buying environment.

Why because the salesman created the best buying environment for me.

Your buying environment will be:

I gently dim the lights.

You sit on a dark leather handmade sofa that would fit a king.

And the curtains open…

And you see.

Virgil’s Ultimate FREE Training.

UUuhm, what do you mean?

Webinars are the best buying environments for clients.

I know because I sold $10M of courses through WEBINARS.

All your content will drive people to sign up for your free training.

And at the end, you’ll present your offer.

The perfect buying environment.

But first, let’s build hype.

Build the hype​

A superstar of hype building is Steve Jobs.

Do you remember those articles about the potential new features of the iPhone?

You know they’re fabricated.

But still, we are feeling the need to buy the next shiny Apple product. And when the new iPhone launches, we sleep in front of the stores to buy it.

You’re going to do the same thing.

This is your hype-building sequence:

Share behind the scene footage of you building your course. Share parts of the modules that talk directly to the client’s pain points. Share testimonials from your beta test group. Share 1 in-depth case study of your test group. Announce when you start selling.

Always end each hype-building content with the following:

Hype Content 1: Join my free training in 4 days. Hype Content 2: I’ll host free training 3 days Hype Content 3: Are you joining my FREE Training in 2 days?


You get the gist.

Quick note: Always reply to this email when you have questions. I need your launch to be perfect:)

As far as your content goes: Be crazy,be different. But always be yourself.

It’s time to host your Webinar.

Host a Free Training

Now that everybody is hyped up and your affiliate partners are ready to kick ass, it’s time for you to sell.


With your first free training or webinar.

The beauty of a webinar is that you can share value and connect with your audience, especially when you’re doing it live.

You’re trying to educate your audience. At the end of the training, you present your offer.

I will briefly go over how you can structure your free training:

* The first 15 min warm-up of the audience. Preferably this is done by somebody else.
You should start by mentioning that there will be an offer at the end of the free training.

* Share your personal story.
* Deliver value through 3 secrets.
* Present your offer.
* Value stack bonuses
* Mention the webinar discounted price.
* Handle common objections.
* Start a 15-minute timer and handle questions.
* After 15 minutes, the price goes back to normal

* Close the training.

Send them to the landing page you’ve created during your preparation and watch the money roll in.


The importance of an open-close launch. Find affiliate partners. Build your landing page. Create the best buying environment with webinars. Build the hype. Host free training. At the and sell your course.

Now it’s your turn to launch your course. Have fun doing it
