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I’m watching this gorgeous sunset. Chilled music from the speakers, and my mind was calm.
I sip my watermelon juice with no sugar and no ice.


Shit forgot to turn off my phone. In shame, I half smile at Mariska.

Curiosity kills my stunning view. I had to find out who messaged me:

I open my Twitter DM:


I love your content. How’s your Twitter journey going so far?
I’m a Notion expert, and I know I can help you grow your business.
Do you have time for a quick call?

Why did you ruin my sunset with this shitty DM? The next day I received a second message:


That was all it said.
​Are you serious, guys? This is not how you network.

In today’s newsletter. I’ll share my networking system.
I can promise it works; I found my business partners with these methods, and we built a 7 figure course business.

Let’s dive in.

We love clients

Getting new clients is the livelihood of every business. I love to share my 3 steps to get clients. It all starts with building strong relationships.

Before we start, I like to share my golden rules for business:

  1. Keep it simple
  2. Develop a pigheaded discipline
  3. Get Shit Done!

The rules speak for themselves. You have heard them all before.
Playtime is over. Let me ask you some hard questions:

* Are you making money?
* Do you have raving fans as clients?
* Do you love what you do?

If all the answers to these questions are no, It’s time to take action.
This is what you do next. I warn you this will hurt:

* Set a 3-month goal for yourself.
* Go on social media and share your goals.

Now you have the whole world as your accountability partner.
​Oh boy. you will bury your head in shame when you don’t take action.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s get you some clients.

The dream 100

The late Chet Holmes creates the term “ Dream 100.”
If you want to learn more about sales, read his book: The Ultimat Salesmachine.

Now let’s find ourselves some people.

Make a list of 100 people.

I hear you thinking:” I don’t know so many people.”

Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

Open your phone and start with the first person you see.

Write down all the names and contact details in The Master Networking List.
I’ve created a simple template. You can download it here.

Open your email program and go to the sent email section. Write down the last 50 people in your notion document.
Go to Facebook and start with the letters A to D. Write down all their details, and you will be well over 100 people.

That´s a promise!

Yup got a 100. Now what?

Start at the top of the list and contact that person via Facebook, what’s app or email.
This is a template you can steal:

Hey Harry,

I’m at the office, the music is playing, and the vibe is great. Spring is in the air, and then I thought of you.

I jumped on my computer to send you a quick message.

So how are you doing?

Kind Regards,


3 things can happen at this point:

  1. They don’t reply to your message
  2. They wish you well
  3. They ask how you are doing

1. They don’t reply to your message

Solution: Put them on your master networking list and contact them again next month.

2. They wish you well

Solution: They go on the master networking list. Make sure that you use a reminder on your Google calendar. To contact them again next month.

3. They ask: How are you doing?

Boom. This is the answer you’ve been waiting for.

Celebrate your wins, dance, and shoot confetti all over the place.
Make it a habit to celebrate all wins, even the little ones.

It will do magic for your mindset.

Now that you have the reaction you are looking for, it’s time to reply.

Be creative, original and fun with something like this:

Hi Mary,

I’m super excited about my brand-new course, where I help entrepreneurs monetise their minds, bring in buckets of cash, and travel the world.

Thank you so much for asking.

(You see, in this message, I’m using one of the desires of my audience. In my case, earning more money and freedom.)

Now let’s convert your friend into buyers

After your super cool elevator pitch again, there are 3 possibilities:

1. No Reply. Great, contact them again next month.

2. They reply, ” Wow, good work and success.”

3. That sounds fantastic. Can you tell me more?

When they ask: “ Can you tell me more”, You hit the jackpot. Copywriting guru Dan Kennedy calls that the million-dollar question. Very important, never try to sell on DM. Your mission is to get them on a call.


Because on the call you can explain your course. And handle all the objections that they might have.
Having a good conversation + delivering value = more sales.

The next step is to invite them on a call.

Sales call magic.

You’ve received the million-dollar question:
“ Can you tell me more”

Use the template below to invite them to a call:

Hi Mary,

Thank you so much for your interest in my Course Creation Masterclass.
Building a course can be hard. Most people fail because they don’t know where to start.

I would love to invite you to a 15-minute call to see if we are the right fit. The last thing I want is to offer you a product you don’t need.

In this call, you can ask all the questions that you might have, and I can help you get started with your course.

When is a great time for you, Monday morning or Tuesday evening?

If you are not sure yet, I have included a link to my calendar so you can schedule your call when convenient.

Looking forward to helping you monetise your mind with courses.

Greetings from sunny Bali,


Let´s break it down.

First, you thank them for their interest in your product or service.

In the first sentence, you tell them who your product or service is.
In my example, you see, I start with:

I would love to invite you to a 15-minute call to see if we are the right fit.
The last thing I want is to offer you a product you don’t need.

I start by saying that I am selling something.
I want to help them discover if this is the right fit for them.

I offer them 2 days for a possible call, and I offer them to click a link to schedule a call themselves.

The goal of this message is that you like to have a face-to-face conversation.
This lets you listen to their hopes and dreams and sell your service.

I have a call scheduled. What’s next?

I have written an in-depth article about the anatomy of a sales call.
You can dive in right here.

Let’s sum it all up.


  1. Make a list of 100 people.
  2. Use your social media and email to find your contacts.
  3. Copy and paste my” How are you doing messages.”
  4. Download the notion, Master Networking List.
  5. Keep following up until you book a call.
  6. Read the sales call article.
  7. Show up every day.

Develop a pigheaded discipline.

So here you have the steps to turn your friends into clients. Now it’s up to you
I believe in you. All you have to do is believe in yourself.

Power to you.