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“I’m going to launch my course.” ​

That’s what you’re saying to yourself.

  • You love to help people.
  • You’re driven by passion.
  • You have the knowledge to do so. ​


Your mind and the people around you destroy your dream. ​

Don’t blame them.

People reflect their insecurities on you. ​

As far as the mind goes, it’s always lying.

Don’t listen. ​

This letter is dedicated to you. ​ You deserve a statue.


Because you’re paving the way for chillers and game-changers.

You contribute to the personal development of others. ​

You must launch your course. ​ In this letter, I like to share my Manifesto. ​

It’s a few paragraphs, but the words encouraged me to push forward during hard times. ​

Now I give them to you. ​

Steal my manifesto, and make it your own. ​

Power of creation is yours. ​

You have the power to create. ​

The Manifesto of a Course Creator 

You embrace change because you feel that change is part of life.

In your world, the more you create, the more people you’ll help.

With helping others comes personal growth.

And with personal growth comes success without being attached to the outcome.

You’re committed to freedom in every sense of the word.

You strive to improve your skill, with one step forward and three steps back.

And that’s OK.

You know that failure is making you grow.

​ ​Hardship is a teacher, and obstacles make you stronger. ​

You choose to love yourself first, knowing this is the only way to love others. ​

Love is a powerful force. It will guide you to stay on your path.

You aim to train your mind to live in the present moment.

This is very hard.

But you will find comfort in the knowledge of the universe.

You’re never alone in your quest. The forces of nature guide you.

You always trust the process.

Your mind might be raining bombshells of negative thoughts.

Your mission is to become a master of these thoughts.

You are aware of the power of meditation.

Silence solves hatred, pride, greed, lust, fear, and anxiety.

​ ​All answers are inside of you. ​ Listen to your heart instead of your mind.

You’re unique, creative, driven, and humble.

You are an entrepreneur by heart. ​

Don’t let others tell you otherwise. ​ Embrace change. ​

You’ve got the power to create. ​ All course creators believe in you. ​

I believe in you. ​ Now, you have to believe in yourself. ​

It’s never the right time to launch a course. ​ So you better launch now. ​

Power to you. ​