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I felt this sharp pain in my stomach.

There I was, screaming in pain. Pulling down my swimming pants in the middle of a busy beach club.

Some people watched in awe. Some cheered, and surprisingly, some didn’t even blink an eye.

Before I realised it, I was standing naked, screaming to Mariska:


After recovering from the shock, I quickly pulled up my pants and saw a brown scorpion running across my leg to the floor.

I panicked and remembered what my biology teacher had said:

“Scorpions can kill a man in minutes.”

My heart pounded. My palms were sweaty. And my head started to feel dizzy.

Does this mean I’m dying?

I remember I convinced myself that everything was alright.

Weirdly, I was trying to distract my mind by scrolling on X.

It’s sad to learn when you think you’re dying, the last thing you do check is your DM’s. X is a bigger part of my life than I thought.

After 30 minutes of thinking about the worst possible scenarios, my mind calmed down.

Now I have great news. I’m not dead (yet), And I’m writing my daily newsletter to you.

While typing away, I realised I had experienced the same sensation before.

Only I was not bitten by a deadly exotic reptilian creature.

But I was launching a course. I was drowning because I wasn’t prepared well.

When you want to launch a course, preparation is key.

I’ve documented my successful course launches to help you prepare for yours.

I broke it down into 12 steps. You can steal and copy it.

Let’s jump in:

1. A 90-day plan.

2. Landing Page Software. (

3. Set up payment processor ( ThriveCart)

4. Create payment pages in Thrive cart.

5. Connect ThriveCart pages to the Email provider for delivery.

6. Write your landing page.

7. Write your offer + Value stack.

8. Secure affiliate partners.

9. Write a waiting list email sequence.

10. Set up onboarding email sequence.

11. Create Hooks and story templates for affiliates.

12. Create an X Spaces planning.
( Yes, I squeezed in two affiliate links. But I only promote what I use myself.)

Go through these 12 steps. I promise you’ll NOT feel like a scorpion has bitten you when you launch.

Power to you.

Virgil “Who will change his name to Scorpio after gaining mystical super powers” Brewster.