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How often do you come across a business owner who truly chills?

With chillin’, I mean making money on autopilot.

Doing what you love.

And work when you want, not when you need to.

You know…

True chillers…

People who live their lives by two metrics.

How much money they make, and how much time they work in their business.

Most entrepreneurs create high-paid jobs for themselves.

Did you know that income dips are one of the main factors business owners burn out?

I know for a fact because it happened to me.

One day, I was making piles of cash. And other months, I barely could order a $5 pizza.

You need a steady, predictable income to become a true chiller.

Here’s a cheeky little formula for you.

Predictable income + leverage = A chilled lifestyle.

In today’s letter, I will share the final part of The Evergreen Selling Machine.

Before I move on to the nitty-gritty of The EMS, let me ask you this.

When was the last time you went outside and chilled?

Be honest here…

You know, touching grass, watching movies.

It’s stuff most gurus say you should do but never do themselves.

This final part of The Evergreen Selling Machine will help you to chill.

In the previous letter, we discussed

The Growth Flywheel:

This flywheel helps you grow your newsletter and social media.

The Profit Flywheel:

This is the part where you make money by selling Micro courses.

Now it’s time to do a deep dive on The Chill Flywheel.

In this part of the machine, you’ll scale your business.

Scaling means helping people progress faster on the “Desire Ladder.”

More on the ladder in future letters.

For now, all you need to know is that people like to pay a premium to reach their desires faster.

This part does almost the same as The Profit Flywheel.

The only difference is that your offer is a high-ticket item.

Think about products like

  • Masterminds.
  • In-person events.
  • Themed travels.
  • 1 on 1 coaching.
  • Small group coaching.

These are the RULEZ:

  • You must enjoy the offers.
  • The price has to be at least $1k and up.
  • All income must fuel your chilled lifestyle.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk again.

Virgil “Chillin is my life” Brewster.