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For one moment, time stands still.

Ricefields reached as far as the eye can see. Sun rays are brushing the palm trees with a last breath of light.

The sun is saying goodbye to yet another day. I quickly grab my phone to snap a picture of Mariska.

Life can’t be better.

Did I just paint some pictures in your head?

If so, that’s the power of writing. And yes, I know this is exaggerated.

But can you imagine if you could write like this and followers are swayed off their feet?

Think about your course landing page.

In the spirit of Joe Sugarman, you let them read the first line. Then, the second.

And before they know it, they pull their credit card out to buy your course.


So, how do you become a better writer?

This is how I do it:

The Little book of stories.

Every day, I write a short paragraph about what happened during the day. It can be anything.

You don’t always need to share the day you’ve met Optimus Prime on your Sunday beach stroll.

People love to read about the silly stories. You know, those tiny things people can relate to.

This beautiful concept is 4 dimensional.

Get in the habit of writing.

You capture moments like a mini diary.

You always have an idea fault for the days without inspiration.

You write every day. That equals improving your writing skills.
Play around with The Little Book Of Stories.

I am looking forward to your journey.

Happy writing.

Virgil “ Shakespeare “ Brewster