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A dirty little secret of a 7 figure course creator.

“Are you an idiot?”

“But I have 10K followers on X”, I explained to the cashier.

I was on a city trip to Jakarta.

I didn’t know what I was thinking because big cities are full of smog and you are in traffic jams for hours.


I needed my fix of malls and crowded streets to appreciate my little fishing village more.

Anyway, I walked into the Mac store…

There she was…

A brand new Macbook Pro with an M3 chip.

“I want that one.”

“How will you pay cash or card?” the cashier replied.

“Oh, I thought it was for free”, I said.

Do you believe it’s weird to assume that the products are for free when you walk into a store?

And yet, on X and Linkedin, you get that remark a couple of times daily.

Do you want to hear a little secret?

It’s because you never make an offer.

Re-read that sentence again. And let it sink in your thick skull.

When you give everything away for free and fail to make offers, guess what happens?

Your audience expects you to do everything for free. And when you do sell, they’re offended.

So, how can you sell without being a sleazy backdoor salesperson?

Here you go:

Entertain Share the WHAT, never the HOW. Make an offer.

That’s it.

Make offers, and all the cheap fucks and tyre kickers will unfollow you.

And that’s a good thing.

You want a community of buyers.