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My girlfriend Mariska is shouting from the other room…


Are you using the toilet, or are you writing a NOVEL in there (In a sarcastic tone)?

When you’re on the toilet, and you leave your phone in the other room, something magical may happen.

Your creative mind switches on.

Call it sophisticated chillin’.

When you’re stuck, the last thing you want to do is get up at 5. am.

Stare at your screen for hours, plough through books without finding answers and, as a final resort, hit the gym in the hope your future god-like body will have all the answers.

You need to chill the F… down.

This is what you do instead.

Plan time to think.

Yep, that’s it…

Did you know that the world’s greatest minds planned time to think?

Einstein, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey do it. And so should you.

When you’re a notion junkie, you probably add everything in your second brain only to get lost in all your systems and checklists.

Keep it simple and grab a Post-it.

You know, that thing we used in the eighties before the notion era.

Write in BIG letters:


Stick it on your computer screen.

Now, before you question me, remember Nike’s famous slogan:

Just Do it..

Everybody talks about leverage.

But at the end of the day, the biggest leverage you have is your brain.