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Me and my sister Morea rushed into the living room.

We saw our dad unpacking this huge box.

My heart was pounding in my throat.

What could it be?

It was not our birthday, It was not Christmas.

We looked in silence while my father installed the Commodore Amiga.

“Look” my father said.

“This is a home computer.”

“You can send a message to another person.”

“It’s called email.”

At first, there was nobody to sent emails to.

So I just played speedball 2.

A futuristic sports game that looked so damn cool.

Little did I know that playing these games would develop my love for video games.

But that’s another story…

Years later, marketers like Yanik Silver, Dan Kennedy and Matt Fury sent cool emails.

I was intrigued…

The copywriting was so good I always wanted to buy.

What made these email marketers so special?

I started studying various email marketers and learned early on that email was a powerful medium.

I sucked…

But the more I practiced the more I sold.

It started small, but looking back, most of my income came from email, and that remains the case until this day.

Now fast forward…

When most people scream: “ AI will take over, email is dead

Email is more alive than ever.

These are 5 tips I wished I knew when I started with email marketing.

Start building your email list yesterday.

You never can start early enough with buislding your list.

Look, you don’t need to send emails yet, but create a simple landing page with a lead magnet.

Build a lead magnet.

There are many ways you can build a leadmagnet.

I love to keep things simple. These are my rules:

  • Solve one specific problem ( You heard this all before right?)
  • Make sure your reader gets a quick win.
  • You Lead Magnet should be consumed in under 9,5 minutes.
  • Make your free lead magnet better than most paid products.

Improve your writing.

Yeah, I know you like to jump into ChatGPT and try to create emails.

It’s not a bad to use AI for ideas.

But you need to be able to tell stories and write in a entertaining way.

Be able to create a direct response in the form of a call to action.

How do you improve your writing?

Read these 3 books:

  • Storywhorthy by Matthew Dicks
  • Adweek copy by Joe Sugerman
  • The Boron Letter by Gary Halbert.

In this exact order.

Write a lot, write some more, and keep writing.

I promise your bank account will be happy.

Send regular emails.

When you send one email a week, and you’re a open rate junkie and you care about clicks here’s your sticker.

Well done.

But you don’t have a business but a hobby.

When you like to sell sponsorships, prepare to work hard for a little money in the first few years.

That is the exact opposite of a chill lifestyle business.

Instead in the chillverse, we tell stories move into lessons and always end with a call to action.

In short we always sell something.

That’s it.

Reuse your content.

An often overlooked low hanging fruit.

You don’t need to make original content every time.

You’ll have so much content you can repurpose when you send regular emails.

Don’t work hard, work smart.

That’s one of the credos of chilled professional life enjoyers.

I hope this motivates you or better yet give you a gentle push in the back to start with email today.

Now I’m going outside to touch some grass and chill.

You better do the same.