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Why every course creator needs to build a community.

Are you attached to your ideas?

Today, it’s your turn to get introduced to a concept my clients and I have been playing with for months.

Are you ready for this?

Today we introduce the courmunity.

The whaaaaaat….?

Please allow me to explain.

Trends come and go.

What’s hot today will be dead the next.

And yet, you can rest assured that one business model will always exist.

And that’s education.

But that model has been broken for decades.

Don’t get me started on the school system because we all know that makes no sense at all.

What’s broken is the way we used to consume educational content.

You know I love courses, but even the course model as it exists today is starting to crumble down.

Don’t get me wrong…

Courses do have a place in the modern AI-driven education ecosystem.

However, the way people consume digital products has changed.

Before diving into the juicy stuff, let me tell you something about human nature.

You love to travel in herds.

From the beginning of time when you’re ancestors were hunting, the sabretooth tiger and tribes were the only means of survival.

Well, back in the day, when you went out by yourself, chances are that you ended up in a T-rex’s stomach.

In modern times, you get more and more isolated.

You consume everything on your phone by yourself.

The same goes for your self-improvement.

Your mind is crushing your hopes for a better life, and you have hardly any support.

You’re no different from your Neanderthaler forefathers.

You need a tribe.

Now, back to the cool part.

What you need is a courmunity.

In short, it is an ecosystem of courses and services combined with a nuclear-powered community.

How’s that mr Oppenheimer for a fusion reaction in the education space?

You see when you awaken the hidden urge for belonging to something, and you combine it with a courmunity, you’ll crush it.

Now, you triple crush it when you bring entertainment and gamification.

I like to share how you can start your hands on a courmunity.

Start with an Irresistible Membership Offer:

Launch your membership for $9.

Raise the price by $10 every time you grow your community with 25 people.

Switch to a Courmunity Approach:

Motivate people to go through your courses together.

Offer support in the form of weekly calls.

Give your audience a home.

Host interactive workshops

Use your workshop not just to educate but to introduce your membership.

Always be selling.

Don’t forget to make it fun.

Communities are built one person at a time.

This is NOT for you when you need a six-figure course launch in 10 days.

But this is the way to go when you want to build a sustainable business that grows over time.

Build your courmunity, serve more people, get them better results and buy back your time while you’re at it.

This is how to build, launch, and sell courses in 2024.