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Hey you…

This is your future self speaking.

You’re not going to like what I have to say.

But it has to be said.

You have dreams. You want to break free. You have something to offer.


Your mind is holding you back.

When you don’t start today.

You’ll never start at all.

I know it’s scary.

Fear has been your friend for a long time.

And fear will always be with you. You better learn to deal with it.

You are born into this world with a superpower.

But along the way, you have forgotten how strong you are.

That’s why I moved heaven and earth to travel back in time.

To speak with you…

This is what I want you to do next:

  • Rest is progress.
  • Write a daily email.
  • Keep things simple.
  • Double down on leverage.
  • Dump your crybaby friends.
  • Don’t forget to smile every day.
  • Your mind matters. Take care of it.
  • Surround yourself with great people.
  • Start talking to people in your audience.
  • When it is NOT a hack, Yeah. Walk away.
  • Always pay yourself first, even if it’s a little.
  • Always follow your heart instead of your mind.
  • Stick to one task a day; don’t get overwhelmed.
  • Package your solution and organise a workshop.
  • Water the plants. I promise you it will calm your mind.
  • Create micro courses: A great way to get your feet wet.
  • Ignore the haters in the outside world. And in your mind.
  • Even if 2 people show up, you move the needle forward.
  • Always charge something for your course. Even is it a little.
  • Pack your bags and change the environment for 3 months.
  • Take care of yourself first; then, you can better care of others.
  • Courses are here to stay. No matter what others want you to believe.
  • Share your wealth. You’ll be amazed how much will come back to you.

I know this list might seem overwhelming.

But all I can say is this…

There’s no quick fix.

But I promise you this:

When you take action on 1 task per day.

You will see results.

Maybe NOT today. Maybe NOT next month.

But at some point, life will reward you in a beautiful way.

Stay safe,

Virgil” Micro courses are the way to a chilled lifestyle” Brewster.