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Spoiler alert…
Launching a course takes more than 4 days.

My 6th attempt to launch a course.

“This time, it will work”. I told myself.

After months of building, my course was about to see the light of day.

Slide deck.


The customer journey.


My unique mechanism.

Double check.

The world wasn’t ready for the greatness I was about to unleash.

My heart was pounding in my chest while the cart opened.

I made two sales.

I closed my laptop, feeling good about myself.

The launch was doing well…

In my mind, I was counting all the cash that I made.

A few hours later.

I opened my Stripe account.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.

My palms were sweaty.

Two seconds felt like two hours as I stared at the number.

Is this happening for real…?
A tiny voice whispered in my mind.

I was looking at the number in disbelief.

I still had only two sales.

My 6th attempt went in the history books as yet another failure.

A course creator's curse.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t only happen to me.

Many talented creators build courses that completely flop.

And that’s a shame.

You see…
Most creators spend their time building a course.


They forget the fundamentals.

So today, I’ll share with you the 4 pillars I use to launch successful courses for my clients.

Let’s jump in.

Pillar 1: Your unique angle.

I’m going to be brutally honest with you.
Nothing in the world is unique.

Everything has been done before.

Think about it.

How many writing courses are out there?

90% don’t make it.


Everybody tries to be somebody else.

How do you make your course unique?

Solve a common problem from your perspective and experience.

Not everybody will like you.
And that’s OK.

You only need 1,000 true fans to build a successful business.

In short. Tell stories and be yourself.

Pillar 2: Keep it simple.

I know you can solve multiple problems.

You’re very talented.

But your job is to solve 1 specific problem for 1 specific avatar.

The one who chases two rabbits catches none.

You need to position yourself in front of a hungry crowd.

YOUR crowd.

You can only do that by being super clear.

Ask yourself this?

* Who do you help?
* And which problem do you solve?
Be clear about what you offer and to whom you offer it.

Remember, you only need 1,000 true fans.

Pillar 3. Prepare your audience to buy.

Yeah, you’re super cool. You have 200k followers.

Your engagement goes through the roof.

Your email list numbers are huge.
And still…

When you launch, you have two sales.


Because you have been giving free value for months.
Maybe even for years.

You never made a single offer.

I get it…

You read in books to lead with value.

Or you’re an Alex Hormozi groupie who got the wrong message, thinking you need to give everything away for free.

Guess what…?
You train your audience that they never have to pay for your stuff.

And when you do make an offer, your whole audience is confused.

They think:

“Hey, aren’t you that guy that gives everything away for free?”

Why should I pay you now?
Do this instead:

* Tell stories

* Make a bridge to a lesson.

* Always end with a call to action.

Do you need to sell every piece of content?

The answer is no.
But sell at least 50% of the time.

Then, your course launch will not come as a surprise when you ask for the cash.

Pillar 4: The prelaunch sequence

Your launch starts at least 2 months before you open your cart.

Don’t be that guy who starts a week before the launch to send a couple of emails about your exciting launch.

It will fall on deaf ears.

(I always wanted to write this sentence.)

The pre-launch sequence looks something like this:

8 weeks out:

Increase your emails from 1 x a week to 3 times a week.

This is what you share on social media:
* Case studies.
* Client interviews.

* Behind the scenes.

4 weeks out:

* Host a weekly space.
* Activate your affiliate partners.

* Get your ass on every space possible.

* Share the one problem your course solves.
( Do this in 10.000.000 different ways)

* Create content that talks directly talks to your avatar.

Don’t forget to share stories. Be everywhere.

So next time when you’re about to launch your course.


Think about these four pillars:

Have a unique angle.

Keep it simple.

Prepare your audience to buy.
The prelaunch starts 4 weeks before you open your cart.

Launching a course takes a lot of work. If you only take one thing away from this post.

Always be yourself. It will take you a long way.

You’ve got this.

Power to you.