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Can you shut up for 1 min Mr. mind?

The mind is a complex construct of nature. You’re plagued by 630000 thoughts a day.
It can make you believe that nothing is possible or that you’re not ready to start today.

In short your mind can ruin your life.

But imagine that you could use your mind as a friend. Could it help you become successful?

The answer is a sound: YES.
​Let’s do a little experiment. Are you ready?

​I don’t like you to think about a pink astronaut dancing
in a green desert while drinking a margarita.

What are you thinking right now.?

For a minute, your mind was stuck in this absurd scene.

You see
the mind can only do one thing at a time.
Let’s use this glitch to our advantage.

All you need to do is occupy your mind with tasks that will move your business forward.

Let’s put your mind to work!

  • Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing.
  • Start a conversation with your future self.
  • Create a time portal between the future and now.
  • Take action on the answers received to reach your goals.

Virgil’s Power Tip: Sit silently for at least 5 minutes daily

One secret the GURU’s never mentioned about goal setting.

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.”
— Zig Ziglar

There you are, trying to write your goals down. You have no idea where to start.

Random attempts to write down your thoughts end up in frustration.
You give up after 30 min of staring at a blank screen.

Does this sound familiar? It’s time to let you into a little secret.

Think and find your goals

Contemplation or deep thinking is used by many successful people.

One of the famous books on the subject is Dale Carnegie’s Think and grow rich.

Is it possible to get rich with the power of your thought?

It’s possible!

That’s why many successful entrepreneurs block time in their agenda to think. I like to motivate you to do the same.

Most of the time, your thoughts work against you. But there’s so much hidden knowledge in your mind.

You can tap into your mind by practising: Big picture thinking.

When you have your thinking hat on, imagine taking a 3000000 feet birdseye view.

Focus on the big goals for the coming 3 months. Let’s say you like more clients.

Think of ways to connect with them. What are creative ways you can do to get their attention?

Force yourself to look at multiple angles.

In time you will get better at formulating goals that move the needle forward in your business.

This is how you make it practical.

  • Block one hour.
  • Find a quiet place or go for a walk.
  • Think about your 3 goals.
  • Imagine that you take a bird’s eye view of your business.
  • Try to formulate goals from different angles.
  • Accept that in the beginning, nothing will happen.
  • Give it time, and let your thoughts travel freely.
  • Eventually, goals will pop into your mind.

Now that you have your big goals let’s make them a reality!​

90 days to Greatness

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
— Yogi Berra

When you’re writing down your goals, you need to be specific. If not, you’re bound to fail.

It’s important to find 3 big goals that will move your business forward.

Let’s say you want to earn 10K a month. This is what most people do:

❌ I want to earn 10K

How are you going to make $10k a month?

What are you going to sell? Many questions will stop you from taking action.

This is how you should do it:

✅ I will release my course by January 20 2023, and sell 51 copies for $199 each.

The magic is in the details. The more specific you are.

The easier it will be to jumpstart ideas to reach that goal.

Here are some subgoals you can think of.

  • What course do you like to create?
  • How to close 25 clients in your test group?
  • What price shall I launch with?

Now it’s your turn to write down your 3 big goals.

Virgil’s Power Tip: Choose goals that will make you money.

Two weeks sprints at your service

Now that you have your three big goals in place, It’s time to divide them into blocks of two weeks.

You aim to work in blocks of two weeks to complete each goal.

Trust me when I say you will move through your days with laser focus, clarity and direction.

This is how you can break a big goal into subgoals:

Big goal: I will release my course by January 20 2023, and sell 51 copies for $199 each.

Subgoal 1: Market and sell the course.

Subgoal 2: Create the course.

I hope you start to feel the excitement.

You have seven days to create your course and seven days to develop the marketing and sell to your first customers.

Now rinse and repeat for your other two goals.

This is the exact system of how I made my first million in sales.

Let’s plan your days, baby!

You’re doing great. Let’s stop and take a moment at what you’ve done so far.

  • You’ve created 3 big goals that will bring your business forward.
  • You’ve Created subgoals for the 2-week sprints.

The next stop is planning 90 days of daily tasks.

Let’s finish this! Let’s take a look at our goal and go deeper from there:

Big goal: I will release my course by January 20 2023, and sell 51 copies for $199 each.

Subgoal 1: Market and sell the course

Subgoal 2: Create the course

Here is an example of how you can sell, build and launch your course in two weeks.

This is what your daily planning would look like:

Week 1:

Mon: Interview 5 people in your niche.

Tue: Sell a Beta course with a 50% discount.

Wed: Ask which topics they need in the course.

Thu: Build modules 1 and 2 and record.

Fri: Deliver the modules to clients and ask for feedback.

Sat: Create Modules 3 and 4 and record based on clients’ feedback.

Sun: Water a plant.

Week 2

Mon: Add a notion template for a better course experience
Tue: Create a free training to get more clients in.
Wed: Capture testimonials from first clients.
Thu: Deliver free training
Fri: Plan sales calls
Sat: Sell and sell some more.
Sun: Hug your partner

You might be thinking, but Virgil. Why don’t you create the course first?

That, my friend, will be the topic of another article. It pays to pay attention!

Do the same with the two remaining goals, and you’re ready to kick some serious ass.

You‘ll be amazed at how little you have to do per day to achieve your big goals.

Now here comes the magic. Every month you’ll finish a huge goal.

Can you imagine what will happen to your business if you do this for two years? You’ll be unstoppable.

Now here you have it. Your three big goals are carefully planned. All you have to do is show up and execute.

Virgil’s Power Tip: Sell before you make.

Your secret weapon for execution

This is the easiest step in the system. You’ve done the planning phase.

Now you execute! All you need to do is block a certain amount of time and finish your planned task that day.

That’s it!

Set a timer and work in blocks of 15 min with a little break in between. After an hour, take a longer break and continue.

Virgil’s Power Tip: Every person is unique. Adjust the length of your deep work session to your preference.

Now over to you

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
— Alan Watts

So There you have it, your 90 Days to greatness

Here’s a little summary of everything you need to do.

  1. Let your mind work for you!
  2. Think deeply about your 3 main goals.
  3. Write down 3 big goals.
  4. Create 4 -6 sub-goals and divide them into 2 weeks sprints.
  5. Make a daily plan for your sprints.
  6. Block a time slot for deep work.
  7. Use a timer for your grind sessions.

All things start with the first step. Start small, and stay consistent.

When you form a tiny positive habit, all the next steps will come to you.

Trust the process, stick to this blueprint, and your life will look different in two years.

That’s a promise.

Homework: complete your 90-day goals planning.​