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Is 1:1 coaching a dying business model?

Imagine being super busy.

Always running from one coaching client to another.
​You make decent cash, but you struggle for time.

That’s not what you signed up for.

1-on-1 coaching still has a future, but not how you execute it now.

It’s time for a change.

This is what you should do to survive:

  1. Leverage Courses
    Make courses with what you know. Build it once and sell it forever.
  2. Small Group Coaching:
    Offer small group coaching. You can help so many more people in an hour.
  3. Lite Packages:
    Create a simpler version of your program. It helps people without needing live meetings.

Action Step:
​Offer a small group coaching package. Price it 25% less than your 1on1 price and sell five slots.

Your bank account and your mind will love you for it.