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I hate long drives.

After 2 hours of podcasts, I started chatting to the driver.

“I believe in karma.”
“From good actions, great things will come.”

While the driver was chatting away about the Hindu culture

My mind wandered off.

For years I struggled with imposter syndrome and doubt. 

You know the feeling, right?

When you read about creators who share their success,
You get even more frustrated.

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Virgil Brewster

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Bumi smelled like a pile of rotten fish. We still have a 2,5 hour drive ahead of us. To distract the driver I started small talk. He slowly opened his window. Sh*t he smells it too. “Grab ( The Uber of Bali) takes 30% of my commission” he explained. Can you imagine when…
3:27 PM • May 31, 2023


In action leads to anxiety

Once you go down that road, you spiral down in a whirlwind of negativity.
Trust me.

You don’t want to be there.

After a serious burnout, I went on a quest.
It took me decades to crack the code.

This exact system exploded my course business.

Building a team of 10 people and $10M in sales.
I’ll share what I’ve learned with you in today’s letter.

Buckle up. It’s time for some action.

The A.C.T.I.O.N. Framework

The only way how you ever find success is by systems and frameworks.

Follow a proven system, and success will find you.

Boring right? 

* Boring is what will make you perform.
* Boring is what will build relationships.
* Boring is what will build your course.
* Boring is what will bring freedom.
* Boring will make you money.
* Boring will build your team.

Boring systems will make your life exciting and fun.

Put in the hard work now and live a crazy life later.

Let’s look at the A.C.T.I.O.N. Framework.

1. Act

Take a little moment of reflection here.

* Do you make enough money?
* Do you love what you do?
* Do you have freedom?

If the answer is no, it’s time to act.

This is what you do: 

* Pick one goal for the day.
* Take action and work on it till it’s done.

You’ll finish 356 tasks in a year.
Trust me, that will move the needle in your business.

2. Create

The fastest way to build an audience is by creating content.
You need clients to sell your course, remember?

Let’s build a group of raving fans.

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Virgil Brewster

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My mentor used to say: You need a 1000 raving fans and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. I would say look at your follower count and find them there.
6:0 AM • Mar 20, 2023

You can make it hard on yourself and start a Youtube channel.
Or a podcast. They both work. But hard to maintain.

That’s why I love writing.

My writing sucked 6 months ago.
And here you are, reading my newsletter.

This is what you do:

* 2 threads a week.
* 1 newsletter a week.
* Create 3 tweets a day and

And you’ll get better at writing.
Create your way to freedom.

3. Track

Data is boring.
Remember that boring brings you freedom?

Now it’s time to embrace data.
Don’t make it too complicated.

Look at which content performs the best. 
And make more of that.

Simple right?

You can use Blackmagic to track best-performing tweets in seconds.

You can scroll for hours on Twitter to find the most likes for free.
What you measure grows.

Track your data.

4. Inspire

Don’t be that person who shares platitudes and boring how-to posts.

Imagine you’re at a birthday party.
And next to you is a guy who tells you the process of technical data processing.

You would hang yourself, right?

Share inspiring stories and paint pictures in people’s heads.
What may seem boring to you is a beacon for others.

Inspire people with your tales.

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Virgil Brewster

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I almost bought a Porsche. My dream car. Now that I could afford it, something wasn’t right. The sales guy was pitching me how I would get the girls. But I didn’t buy the car. Shiny objects are nice in the beginning. Freedom, not a shiny object should be your endgame.
5:3 PM • Jun 21, 2023

5 Optimise

Feedback loops will be your best friend.
Every successful business has them.

In short, it’s a system that always optimises your process.
This is how it works: 

1. You act and create content.
2. You track what works and what’s not.
3. Now, you improve what’s working.
4 Rinse and repeat.

You have a feedback loop.

Create feedback loops in every part of your business; freedom will be at your fingertips.

6. Nurture

This is the most important part of The A.C.T.I.O.N framework.

Do you know what happens when you don’t water your plants?
They’ll die.

Nurture every aspect of your business that makes you money.
Think about:

* Clients
* Your team.
* Relationships
* Wrtinging skill
* personal development

Don’t skip nurturing important parts of your daily life.

What gets’s attention grows.


The A.C.T.I.O.N Framework: 

1. Act.
2. Create.
3. Track.
4. Inspire.
5. Optimise.
6. Nurture.

Are you ready to take action?
Follow this simple framework.

I promise your life will be different.
18 months from now.

Power to you.


It’s Time For A.C.T.I.O.N.