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Do you know the feeling that you simply don’t know what to write? Well, today is that day for me.

After staring for 20 minutes at a blank screen. I decide fuck it. I’m going to the beach with Mariska and Bumi.

Bumi is a weird dog. She loves to run after a stick. But she never brings it back.
So here I am, throwing a stick for Bumi.

And you know what Bumi does?

When I come closer, she runs away with the stick.

While I chase after Bumi at a boiling 34 degrees. My phone pings.

That’s my cue to sit under the palm tree to check my message.

It was my old business partner.

It’s so funny because we always talk sh*t to each other.
We’re talking about life and stories from the good old days.

Do you remember when we hit the $10M in sales? He asked me.
“Those were crazy days.”

“We’ve learned a lot. He said,” We talked a little more, having crazy belly laughs.
After I hung up the phone, I thought:

Why don’t I share the most important lessons with you?

Excited to have my creative mojo back, I’ll type away for you.
Here are the 6 lessons I learned from selling $10M in courses.

1. Set specific goals. 

You know about the importance of goal setting. But 99% of the people are doing it wrong. You must be specific. Here are some examples:

A vague goal: Improve my writing skills.

Specific goal: improve my writing skills on Twitter and learn to write copy in 280 characters.

When you are specific about your goals, you don’t need to use mental power to think about your task.

The clearer your goals, the faster you work. The faster the results will come.

2. The one-item to-do list

The One Thing, written by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. A great book. It changed my life! You’re used to making a long list the night before.

Starting today, focus on putting one item on your list. I know you have many tasks in a day, but there’s always one that is the most important.

The next day, start working on that one task. When you’re done, go for a walk. Do something that relaxes your mind.

Over time, you’ll notice that you can do more tasks. But start small. In a year, you’ve finished 365 tasks. Imagine how that will impact your life and business.

3. Be mindful of your words

“All the magic you possess is based on your word. Your word is pure magic, and misuse of your word is black magic.” ​

-Don Miquel Ruiz

Pay attention to the words in speech and thoughts. Words have huge power. You never realise it, but still, you suffer from them daily.

Let’s look at an example:

You: I don’t feel like writing today. Nobody cares anyway.

Effect: You procrastinate, feel bad, And believe you’re not good enough.

You: My writing will inspire thousands, so I must create great content.

Effect: You sit down and write. People will read your work. In due time, when you become better, they’ll buy your products and services.

Be mindful of your word, and your life will change.

4. Say no

It’s very important to enjoy life, but sometimes, you must make choices. The word that the most successful people use is no.

Here is my NO list. Copy and paste what you need:

* Junk food.
* Toxic people.
* Lack of travel. ​
* Alcohol & drugs.
* Being indoors all-day
* Mindless social media scrolling.
* Netflix binge-watching sessions. ​

Say no more often, work hard and earn the right to say yes more often.

5. Hire a cleaner

Time is more precious than gold. When it slips away, it will never return. What on earth has this to do with decluttering your brain?

Hire a cleaner for $100 a month.

You’ll buy back your time that you can use to be more productive. Earn 10X more than the money spent on a cleaner.

You can thank me later.

6. Surround yourself with smiles

Remember when you were a child, everything was possible.

You had the wildest dreams and the craziest ideas. Well, let’s bring that back. Do crazy stuff, go paragliding, jump off a cliff.

You will get a fresh perspective on life. It’s important to have a group of people around you that makes you laugh.

First, connecting with people is great, but smiling is even better. Your mood will change, and you ‘”ll be more creative.

That’s a promise.

You never know when the next million-dollar idea will appear at a barbecue.

A lighter brain equals success.

You are a true Game Changer. And I‘m happy that you’re reading my stuff.

We’ll talk tomorrow.

Virgil “ Hire a cleaner makes your life easier” Brewster.