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I chased money.

I have destroyed relationships for it.

I neglected my family for it.

I worked 24/7 for it.

And still…

After fighting an uphill battle, I managed to make money.


It came at a high price.

I made money, but I lost the most important people in my life.

Today, I like to share a few lessons I learned the hard way.

Do I know it all?


I’m not your guru clapping in full stations to cheer you on that you can do it.

I’m going to be honest with you…

And share my experience and do with it as you please.

You need to make money to spend more time with those who matter.

Making money is not hard.

Keeping it while spending time with family and friends is important.

And in my humble opinion, that’s what life should be about…

Let’s dive in:

Sharing is caring.

It’s great to make a lot of money. But what’s the point if you can’t share it with people you love?

Sharing your wealth with others is the highest reward in life.

Leverage your time.

When your end game is to spend more time with family and friends, you need leverage.

Monitse your mind on a massive scale. Package your knowledge and teach it to many with courses.

Sell small group coaching or a community to the ones who like to grow faster.

Rinse and repeat.

Planning is everything.

When you plan your time well and execute only one task daily, guess what happens?

365 days a year, you’ll do more work than most productivity gurus.

It’s a simple hack that helped me to become a full-time chiller.

Chillin should be your priority.

I know I turn this into a meme sometimes.

But there’s a serious thought behind the concept of chillin.

When you take time to chill, 3 important things will happen.

  1. When you chill, you get ideas and solutions to problems.
  2. You get to spend time with the people you love, which offers you more support in building your dream.
  3. Your body and mind get energised for the days you need to work hard.
  4. Chillin does not mean being lazy.

It’s all about doing what you love, so you never have to work a day in your life.

Does that make sense?

These are the things I would do when I need to start all over again.

Your income matters. Your mental health matters. Your family and friends matter.

Money aint everything, but it’s sure damn handy.