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​I fantasized about driving my Ferarri while
I hit refresh on my Stripe account.



Refresh again


I hit refresh 478 times more.

The next day I quit.

“Eureka, The Freedom Masterclass”

That was my course idea.

After months of procrastination, I’ve cracked the code to my success.

Every entrepreneur wants freedom. This can’t go wrong.

I grabbed my camera and started recording.

5 and a half months later, I finally finished the course.

It took me another 4 months until I had the nerve to release it.

Boom, my sales page was live, and my Facebook ads were on fire.

I fantasized about driving my Ferrari while I hit refresh on my Stripe account.


Refresh again


I hit refresh 478 times more.


The next day I quit.

My biggest mistakes

My offer failed. “What the hell went wrong?“

I asked myself 1000 times.

Determined to make it work, I invested in myself and joined a coaching program.

I had many a-ha moments during the day. But this time, I knew exactly which mistakes I had made.

Avoiding these mistakes will help you build and grow your business faster.

Let’s dive in:

Mistake #1: Assumptions

Too often, we know exactly what people want.

If I like it, my audience will love it.

Assumptions are the killer of dreams.

Instead, you always need to ask questions like this:

  • What’s your biggest struggle?
  • Did you find a solution?
  • When I offer you a solution, would you pay for it?
  • If yes, How much would you pay? (You ask with a smile on your face)

When you know what your audience wants, give it to them. You will have amazing clients that buy exactly what they need.

Mistake #2: Always put everything in writing

“The palest ink is better than the best memory.”
– Chinese Proverb

You made a partnership with one of your best friends.
You’re ready to take over the world. You launch.

You both made a ton of money.

One day your friend decide that he did more work than you. And demands more cash.

This will be the end of your relationship. And even worst, your clients will suffer as well.

Whatever you agree, put it in writing. There will always be a contract to guide you during a conflict.


Mistake #3: Yeah, let’s do it


Saying yes to every idea is the fastest way to get burned out.

It was our second year in business.

We made our first million, and we ordered that Ferrari.

(just kidding)

I was hungry for more, so I decided we also needed to develop software.

And when that wasn’t enough, we also launched a paid mastermind.

All at the same time.

You can guess the result:

  • Upset clients because of poor delivery.
  • A half-ass piece of software that didn’t work.
  • Our main offer suffered because I had no focus.
  • The one who chases two rabbits catches none.

Say No most of the time. Keep your focus; your business will be more profitable.

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Virgil Brewster

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For years I jumped from one idea to the next. Around me, people were having success. I didn’t. Shiny Object Syndrome is real. They all focussed on one thing. I gave it a try.
March 18th 2023

Mistake #4: Your pricing structure

Traditional wisdom says: Ask for a high price. You need fewer people to buy your offer to make a decent amount of $$$.

There is truth in that way of thinking.

But that only works when you know your audience’s wants and have a proven track record.

When you’re building your business, do this instead:

  • Ask what people are willing to pay. (See mistake nr. 1)
  • Ask for feedback to improve your product.
  • Collect Testimonials and document these.
  • Double your price in your next launch.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Then work your way to that high price, and traditional wisdom will work for you.

Mistake #5: Your mind is lying

We believe that we’re not good enough.

We all think it’s NOT available to us.

But those thoughts are not true.

Instead, tell yourself that you have answers to other people’s problems.

Say to yourself, “When I do my best to help people, money will flow towards me”.

The words that you use matter.

This is a little practice I do every morning:

  1. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  2. Make every exhale as long as you inhale.
  3. When thoughts pop up, let them float by and focus on your breathing.
  4. Visualise how your business is thriving.
  5. Use extreme details.
  6. When a negative thought pops up, focus on your breathing.
  7. Go back to your positive visualisation.

It’s a short practice that will help you to befriend your mind.

Journal your thoughts and feelings. It will help you deal with them. And remember to smile.


Here is a little summary of what we’ve discussed:

1. Never assume anything.
2. Always create a contract.
3. Say No first and maybe second.
4. Start with a lower price and work your way up.
5. The mind is lying.

There are so many traps on your road to success. I hope you avoid these 5 mistakes and build a strong foundation for success.

All you need to do next is start by taking action.

You can do this. You only need to believe it yourself.

Peace out,
