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Let’s see if you can beat me at chess.

My nephew Dennis was 7 years old, and every single time he beat my ass.

Sidenote: I was twice his age.

One thing that kept me going was that he constantly challenged me.

People love a challenge when a quick win can be made.

Today, I want to share how to use challenges to sell more courses.

The secret is that your challenges need to be short.

I know it was a thing to sell a 30-day writing challenge.

But guess what happens on day 7?

People quit…

Not because your challenge sucks.


People crave fast results.

This is the micro challenge formula:

  1. Find an offer that performed well for you in the past.
  2. Take out the part the people struggle the most with.
  3. Turn that into a 5-day challenge. 4 Make sure there’s a quick win to be made.
  4. Create an accountability group on telegram.

Here are some examples of wins:

  • Loose 1 kg in 5 days.
  • Create a meme in 20 minutes.
  • Write a 1000-word essay with AI in 2 hours.

You get the idea, right?

Price your 5-day challenge somewhere around $49 – $199

Now that your challenge is done, make an offer to your email list.

Here’s where the fun part starts.

When the challenge ends, offer a 2-hour free training to talk about experiences and answer questions.

Keep it very low-key.

Jump on Zoom.

Play some music and talk like you hang out with friends.

At the end, ask if they would like to continue working with you.

Gently offer them the next stage of their journey as a mini course.

This is how your customer journey would look like when you start with a mini challenge:

The 5-day fitness challenge:

Lose 1kg in 5 days while eating everything you want. Price: $49 Offer: Challenge + telegram group.

The next offer would be:

The 30-Day Dream Body Course.

Price: $599 Offer: Video course, meal plans, training programs, and Telegram support.

Your main offer:

12 months. Get fit, lean, and enjoy your life while people turn heads on the beach when you walk by. ( It would be funny if you ran a program like this.)

Price: $ 4,999 Offer: All your videos, a heartbeat community, meal plans and training programs, weekly office hours. Accountibiullity partner program. Monthly guest workshops.

You see…

It will be very hard to sell your main offer from the start.

Instead, you lead with your cheap challenge and bring people up your value ladder.

The beauty is that, for the most part, you create offers, write content and chill.