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Today, we went to a little tea bar.

We thought nothing of it until we arrived.

Imagine a lush ricefield view.

The majestic volcano Mt Agung is showing her full glory.

“Let me show you around, Roni, the owner, said friendly. “This is our garden, and here we grow all the flowers, herbs and spices.”

“I invite you to our little restaurant to try all our different teas.

The taste of Roni’s teas is divine.

You can taste all the love and care she puts into her product. Roni could easily sell all kinds of products.

The richness of the area could easily be translated into different products.

But Roni kept it simple. She doubled down on tea.

She is a tea expert.

People flock from all over the world to get a taste of her special teas.

So next time when you’re planning to launch something new. Keep it simple.

Solve one problem for one specific audience.

I promise you everything will become easier.

This is my little TEA system:

1. Teach

Share your knowledge on social media and have fun doing it. Boring mental models and endless frameworks will bore the shit out of your audience.

Have fun share.

Crazy stuff. Talk to your audience like you talk to your friend on a binge drinking evening where you end up in the club dancing on top of the bar.

Just be yourself.

2. Engage.

Build relationships. That will be the key to selling your future courses. You build a 3-dimensional audience.

Cool term, right? Let me explain.

You build relationships with 3 possible outcomes.

* You will get clients
* You’ll find amplifiers. People who talk about you even if they never buy.
* Accountability partners/ business partners.

3. Advise.

Giving advice is a very unique word for sales.

But please don’t be like those dumb fucks who cold DM people with templates they have copied from other dumb fucks who have no clue about how the world works.

Sighh. Rant over. They just get on my nerves.

But with sales, I mean you build a relationship first. You jump on a call. You find common ground.

And you advise your potential clients about the possibilities of working with you.

These are my 3 simple steps to grow a specific audience where you can solve a specific problem.

Before I let you go, I would like to share my plan to host a 2-hour sales call workshop.

I’ll show you how you can close almost every client with a concept that I call it social selling.

In this two-hour workshop, I’ll explain how you can crush every sales conversation.

At first, I wanted to charge $495…

It’s the normal price I have always sold it for.

But Mariska came up with a good point. She said: Why don’t we try to help as many people as possible and offer it for an affordable price?

Bumi barked 2 times, so that means, yeah, just do it.

Because of these two precious souls, I decided to offer this workshop for only $49 bucks.

All you need to do is contact me with the word: BUMI, and I will send you the details.

See you tomorrow.

Virgil ( No fancy middle name today) Brewster.