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My bank account used to be -$2000.

That’s how I lived for years.

And at the end of the month, I was at 0 again.

2,555 days later and many failures under my belt.

This is how you break the cycle.

You need a small group of high performers.

I know solopreneurship is a thing. But at the end of the day, you need help.

In the form of accountability partners and people who help you in your business.

When you surround yourself with great minds, you’re forced to awaken that great mind of yours.


Simple is hard for most people. Including myself. It’s in our nature to complicate things.


Because our mind is wired to run away from pain.

I remember, as a kid, we needed a flu shot.

The amount of things I made up for not taking the shot took weeks of my energy.

After I was dragged by my mom to the doctor’s office and got the shot, it wasn’t that bad after all.

Simplify every aspect of your life and business, and you’ll run smoothly.|


What do the top 10% of the richest people in the world have in common?

They leverage their time and money.

Opportunities will land in your lap when you have the right people around you.

When you offer one simple solution to one audience, all your marketing and sales efforts will be rewarded sooner.

When you have one superstar Executive Assistant, you will outperform large teams in half the time.

Package your knowledge.

Build courses that people can go through at their own pace.

Build communities where people can bond and speed up the learning process for a monthly fee.

Upsell small group masterminds for the superstars in your audience.

Monitise your mind and sell at a massive scale, and your chilled lifestyle will be closer than you think.

Email is king.

Content is the queen.

Build relationships on steroids and test offers every week.

The faster you fail, the faster you succeed.

And your email list is the soul of that process.