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Business lessons from Phill Knight The guy who sold shoes for a living.

I’ll go faster…

My friend Choscun screamed while he accelerated.

Cars were flashing by.

And for a moment, my mind wandered to the realms of what if we fall.

Now I knew why I hated motorcycles so much.

But still, the concept of speed is an intriguing one.

Especially when it comes to courses.

Most people love to go fast on rides at the amusement park.

But when it comes to launching a course, everything becomes slow.

Excuses, stupid tasks and frustration become the norm.

It’s like weakness enters our minds because we fear the unknown.

That needs to change.

I’m reading Phill Knights’s autobiography. You know, the guy who started Nike.

In the first chapter, he mentions:

Don’t even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give too much thought to where there is. Whatever comes, don’t stop.

If this does not light some fire under your ass, then I don’t know what will.

You see, you need to start and go.

Now, when you add the element of speed to starting, a whole new type of engine emerges, even Elon Musk would be jealous of.

Now, I like to take it one step further.

Add constraints, and you’ll get the following formula.

Start + Speed x constraints = Success.

What does this even mean?

You’re going faster when you start and put constraints on your actions.

Think about doing one task in under 3 hours and call it the day.

The faster you fail, the sooner you’ll find what works.

So what’s the lesson?


Fail fast.

Constrain yourself.