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“Guys. This is Virgil’s homework”

Mr klusien said while holding up a wrinkled paper with a few words on it.
The whole class burst into laughter.

“Because you didn’t do your homework,”

He continued…

“You can stay after school and work on your math.”
Never in my life have I hated a teacher more than Mr Klusien.

Do you remember that you’re staring at the clock, and it does not seem to move?
That was how I felt in an empty classroom with my old math teacher.

When my homework was done, I asked Mr Klusien:

“Why do you love teaching math?”
​I didn’t expect much.

I always thought the guy was an alien from a faraway galaxy.
Other than math formulas, nothing interesting came out of his mouth.

But he replied:

You know Virgil.
I love maths.
When I teach, I get a deeper understanding.

…RINNNNNNNGGG (The school bell)

That was my signal to go home.


I learned a valuable lesson. And it has nothing to do with maths.

In today’s letter, I will share how  teaching , improves your craft and earn money.
All at the same time.

There is a flaw in the way we learn

You see, our school system teaches you to study theory. 
Nothing wrong with that.


It forms a habit that you’ll keep forever.
That habit will not serve you when you want to build a business.

So, let’s think out of the box for a moment…
​You need to teach when you want to become better at a skill.

And the best way to do that is… guess what? : Launching a course!
Think about my math teacher Mr Klusien.

He became better at maths by teaching maths.

Over to you.

An example

Let’s say that you want to launch a course on branding. 
You want to deliver the best content.

So what do you do? You do research.

And when you have gaps in your teaching, you study.
​Creating a course on branding is making you better at branding.

But it does not stop there…

When you start explaining branding to more people,
you get a deeper understanding.

Before you launch, you need to have the basics down.
Don’t launch a random course about a random topic you read a book on.

I don’t need to explain this, right?

Now, let’s hit the ground running.

Ready, Set, Go

It’s time for action.
And yes, I know your mind is complaining.

Where do I start? (with a whimpering voice)
Your mind is such a crybaby.

But luckily, you got me in your corner.
And you know that I have frameworks for everything.

So here we go.

The Learn Earn paradox

  1. Write down everything you know about your topic.
    ( Writing is a great way to get the basics on paper)

  2. Find five people to teach your skill 1 on 1.
    (You will refine your program based on the interaction with your first clients)

  3. Charge your clients with a 50% discount.
    (You create the best learning environment because people value content more when they pay for it. A win-win for the teacher and the client. Both will learn)

  4. Record every session.
    (This is the base for your future course. And it serves as learning material when you like to revisit parts)

  5. Now build a simple video course and sell it.
    (You can learn from the masses. It’s funny how clients can give you a deeper understanding of your program through questions)

  6. Keep improving based on your client’s feedback.
    (While you improve your program, you increase your knowledge)

  7. Raise the course price.
    (You’ll learn an important lesson. How to ask for money.
    Money changing hands will grow your business and improve people’s lives. Another win-win)

  8. Rinse and repeat. Keep working on points 1 till 7.
    (One of the best ways to learn is through repetition. We came the full circle of the Learn Earn Paradox)

When you would like a detailed course creation framework, read this letter.

Two birds with one stone


Forget everything the Mr Klusien’s of this world ever thought you.

It’s possible to build your business and become a better teacher.
The best part is you’ll earn money while you learn.

It’s a matter of switching your perspective.And follow the cool little framework I just shared with you.

Now it’s time to put your mind to sleep and get to work.​


  1. Open your mind to new ideas.
  2. Follow the steps in the Sell To Learn Paradox
  3. Create a course and sell it.
  4. Improve the course based on client feedback.
  5. Test your skills 12 months later.

Power to you.
