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My mom used to say:

What if you could squeeze an orange twice?

She has these funny sayings that do not mean a thing.

But years later, her saying was the foundation of more sales in my course business.

But before you want this all to work, you need a course.

Yeah DUH… You might think.

But how often have you thought about creating a course and never did?

Today is the day that you’ll start.

Because 2024 will be huge for you.

When your course is done, this is what you do next:

Offer a continuation program.

Look, you have your course. And it takes your client from A to B.


B is not the end destination. It’s time to offer a solution that takes your clients to C.

This is what I did:

Original course: Making 3K a month with e-commerce while you sleep. Price: $997

Second course: How to scale your E-commerce business to 25K a month and impress your Instagram friends. Price: $1499

There was no need to shoot a new course. I just added more content and context to the original course.

But there is so much more you can do…

Add extra services.

From client interviews, I learned that there was a need for extra guidance. So, the next logical step was to add coaching.

And so I did…

I made a deal with my top students if they were interested in coaching. People love to stand in the spotlight.

In no time, I had five coaches ready to assist. I charged $2500 for ten coaching sessions and gave 30% to the coaches.

What started with a 1-course offer of $997 ended in 3 different offers. All are based on the original content.

You just have to love The Wong Principle. It works for every service or product.

Online events rock.

People love to hang out with like-minded people.

It was during the pandemic I discovered online events. Everybody was locked inside.

It was time for an online event to connect with my clients.

I had done a few live events, so I understood how it worked. Now, I was forced to organise it online.

We sold the event in two tiers:

*$ 499 Basic event *$ 799 Basic event & After party and Q& A with the speakers.

You see, The Won Principle strikes again. Repackage the same thing at a higher price point.

Brrrrrr. Brrrrr..

Your money printer is at full speed.