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Your filling buckets…

“WTF do you mean?” I screamed at my best friend, Sergio.

Let’s rewind a few years.

I grew up with this weird half-Italian, half-Dutch guy.

We did the craziest things growing up.

We took mushrooms and pure mdma, we drank alcohol, and we studied how to become rich.

It’s a weird combination.

But those psychedelic trips truly opened up our minds to possibilities.

We’re going to the same school, and all our teachers have given up hope on us.

But still, we read books like:

An interview with the devil by Dale Carnegie. A must-read…

And my all-time favourite is the book responsible for my success today. Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Sergio was the first to become successful.

He managed with his crazy ass to set up kung fu schools and became wealthy.

Can you believe that Kung Fu schools?

And when he was living this lavish lifestyle with fancy cars and houses.

I was still pointing a camera at famous people for a below minimum wage.

“But I’m having a good time and travelling the world,” I told myself while crying myself to sleep.

No joking, I didn’t cry, but I love some drama.m But you’ve got the picture. My life was far from chilled.

“Yeah, you’re filling buckets.” Sergio continued.

You trade time for money and work from paycheck to paycheck.

“Remember Robert Kyosaki”, he continued with this freaking smile on his face when he knew he was right.

“You need to create a pipeline of passive income.”

Buckets are for the workers. Pipelines are for the rich.

So now, what can you do with this information?

2024 is around the corner.

And your window of opportunity is wide open.

You can follow the so-called gurus and hustle your way through cold DM’s.

Host 15 hours of space in the hope somebody with money might listen and buy from you.

Or do this instead.

  • Package your knowledge.
  • Host a 14-day workshop.
  • Get feedback and testimonials.
  • Build a course.
  • Sell it through your email list.
  • Touch grass and chill every day (Very important)